What? A dance?

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It's has been three weeks since the first task and Harry still hasn't figured out the egg. Hermione and Harry where in the library together with a mountain of books surrounding them it if you didn't go pass them you would of just thought it was just a big pile of books. Cedric was frantically looking around Hogwarts looking for Harry and Hermione. he has as asked there friend Ron Weasley if he knew and his answer was he quotes "I don't know Diggory now leave me alone!" Then Cedric went looking for the youngest Weasley Ginny to see if she knew where they are and her response was "They might be in the common room let's go check come with me Diggory." and now here he was standing outside of the Gryffindor common room waiting for the youngest Weasley to come out. After impatiently waiting Ginny came out of the common room. "Well where they in there?" Snapped Cedric. "No Diggory they weren't in there maybe if I where you I would check the library." Snapped Ginny back. Cedric walked pass Ginny grumbling a thank you and hurried towards the library. How could he be so stupid the library was Hermione's second home. He mentally kicked himself all the way to the library. Cedric walked to the back of the library where he knew Hermione and Harry would be. He laughed to hisself when he saw the amount of books surrounding them. "If your looking for answer about the egg you aren't going to find it in any of the books." Whispered Cedric in Hermione's ear. "Diggory!" Whispered Yelled Hermione as she swatted at him. Cedric just chuckled as he took a seat across from her. "Well then if you know the answer about the egg isn't in the books how did you find out then!" Questioned Hermione. Cedric smirked "I'm glad you asked Granger maybe you should tell Potter to take a bath with the egg." "What about me taking a bath with the egg?"asked Harry as he sat down next to Hermione. "Well Potter I will give you the password to let you get in the prefects bathroom to take a bath with the egg and maybe in there you can find out the egg. The  password is banana fritters." Said Cedric. "Thanks Diggory for helping me." "Potter I agreed to help you long before the first task and you told me about the dragons."

  Later that night in the Great Hall.
" Good evening everyone there is an announcement I would like to make as tradition there is a ball during the triwizzard torment and this ball is called the Yule ball. The Yule ball will be held on Christmas Eve. Only fourth years and up are allowed to attend if a younger student is asked by an older student they may attend." Boomed Dumbledore's voice. Cedric smirked he could ask Hermione as his date to the Yule ball. But first he had to find the courage to ask her and it wouldn't be easy as he wasn't a Gryffindor he was a Hufflepuff for God's sake.

One week later.
Hermione was in the library studying when the  Bulgarian
Seeker walked up to Hermione's table. "Herm-own." Said Viktor. Hermione startled looked up to see who was trying to get her attention. When she released it was Viktor the Bulgarian seeker she blushed. "Yes Viktor?" " I was wondering if you were to go to the Yule ball with me?" Viktor said with his accent. Hermione blushed even more if that was possible. "Yes Viktor I will gladly go with you." Gushed Hermione. "Well I will cee you around Herm-own." Viktor said as he walked away.

Three days later.
Cedric was walking to the library today was the day he would ask Hermione to the Yule ball. It has taken him almost two weeks to find the courage to ask her he just hoped she would say yes. Cedric smiled as he walked into the library and saw Hermione in one of the isles  looking for some books. Cedric walked behind Hermione and tapped on her shoulder. Hermione jumped and turned around to see the person who scared her. Cedric smiled "Sorry Granger I didn't mean to make you jump." " What do you want Diggory?" " Granger I was wounded if maybe you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Harry stoped where he was walking and turned himself towards Cedric and Hermione. His eyes widened Cedric beat him to asking Hermione to the ball his heart broke into pieces he was hoping to ask Hermione later today. "Cedric I can't go with you." Harry's heart skipped a beat Hermione was declining Cedric. He still had a chance to ask Hermione. "Why?" Asked Cedric. "I can't go with you Cedric because I already said yes to someone." Harry's heart broke. "Who?" Asked Cedric with a bit of Jealousy in his voice. " You just have to wait til the the ball like everyone else dose." Replied Hermione. "Okay fine I'll see you around Granger." Cedric said as he started to walk away. "Diggory I'm sorry." "It's okay Granger who ever is taking you beat me to it he's a lucky chap to be able to take you to the ball." Said Cedric walking out of the library. Harry had to silently agree with Diggory who ever asked Hermione first was a lucky guy. 

Later that night.
Ron and Harry where the only ones in the common room as it was almost midnight.
"So mate how did it go asking Hermione to the Yule ball?" Questioned Ron. "It went horrible Ron she already has a date!" Grumbled Harry "Do you know who is taking her?" "No I don't she refused to tell me saying I will she the night of the ball like everyone else. I'm going to bed night Ron." Said Harry as he got up from the sofa. Ron followed Harry up to the boys fourth year domes. 

The next day.
No one had classes has Dumbledore believed that it would be best if everyone learned how to dance, so now each house was with there head of house learning how to dance.

The Gryffindor's with Professor McGonagall.
"Alright students you heard what the Headmaster Dumbledore said he wants everyone to know how to dance. Mr. Weasley could you come up here to demonstrate with me?" Asked McGonagall. "Which one?" Asked Fred. "The youngest would please." Replied professor McGonagall. Ron walked up to Professor McGonagall his red as a tomato. The music has started and Professor McGonagall Said "Mr. Weasley put your hands on my waist." "What?" Asked Ron a buffaloed " Mr. Weasley just put your hands on my waist now!" Yelled Professor McGonagall. Ron did as told "Okay one two three one two three." Said Professor McGonagall. "You aren't going to let him forget this are you?" Whispered Harry to the twins. "Never" Replied the Twins. "Alright everyone join Mr. Weasley and I on the dance floor." Said Professor McGonagall. All of the girls got out of there seats where none of the boys budged out of there seats. Finally Neville brought out his Gryffindor courage and stepped forward. Ginny walked over to Neville and the two start to dance. Harry decided to follow Neville and walked out. Hermione started walking over Harry's heart skipped a beat. "I guess you and me should practice." Whispered Hermione Harry nodded in agreement. The two joined Neville and Ginny on the dance floor. 
Word count 1256

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