A second chance is all I want

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I know that the beginning of this chapter is the end of the last one but I needed a starter for the chapter.
I um what?" Asked Cedric. "I err I.... don't know." Replied Hermione looking down at the ground. "What do you mean you don't know Hermione! I love you you love me what don't you not know!" Yelled Cedric. "I don't know that your going to hurt me again! How do I know you aren't going to hurt me again? You did it once why not do it again!" Yelled Hermione back. Cedric grabbed Hermione's hand "Hermione look at me." Asked Cedric "I promise you I'll never let you get away from me again I'm not going to make that mistake again. I love you Hermione and I want us to be together to have the future together that I want to have. I want to get married to you someday I don't know if I could handle the idea of another man being the father of your children. I want to be the father of your children one day and I want you to be the mother of my children also, sometime in the near future. " Hermione crashed her lips onto Cedric's. The kiss was sweet but passionate. As they broke the kiss Cedric laid his forehead against Hermione's. Once Cedric caught his breath he looked into Hermione's chocolate brown eyes and smiled. " Was that a yes?" Questioned Cedric. Hermione smiled as she nodded her head yes. Cedric's smiled widened as he leaned in kissing Hermione quickly on the lips.

The next day in the Great Hall.
Word has spread quickly that Cedric and Hermione were once again an item. Cedric smirked as he was liking into the Great Hall hand in hand with Hermione. Cedric's smirk grew wider when he noticed the disappointment on most of the guys faces. The guys at Hogwarts also noticed Hermione's pretty appearance and wanted her for theirselves, but when Hermione and Cedric started dating for the first time everyone knew she was off the market for good as Cedric wouldn't let the Great Hermione Granger out of his grasp. So when the two broke up every guy tried there hardest to get Hermione Granger to notice them but there brake up didn't last longer than two days. So now Hermione Granger was not on the market anymore. Every guy could only wish Hermione Granger was there's.

Gryffindor common room.
Hermione was sitting at one of the tables in the common room when she felt a pair of hands on her eyes. "Guess who?" Asked the voice behind her. Hermione smiled "Like me guess is it Neville. The mystery person shock his head no " No try again Mione it's not Neville." "How about Dean?" Questioned Hermione jokingly. The mysterious person laughed and said "Try again Moine." Hermione laughed " I know it's you Harry." Harry smiled as he showed his face. He could help but look into Hermione's eyes the golden specks really made he eyes even prettier. "What is it Harry?" Hermione asked nicely breaking Harry out of his trance. "I wanted to know when we can get together to get ready for the third task." Said Harry as he blushed a little. He didn't think he was looking into her eyes for long. Hermione smiled and Replied by saying "How does this weekend sound at the Room of Requirements?" "That sounds great" Replied Harry
The next morning
The golden trio was slowly walking to the Great Hall as two thirds of the golden trio was still sleepy. Ron because he didn't go to bed until very late and Harry because the nightmare of the gave yard. All Harry knew about it was someone died, Peter Pettigrew was the one to kill that someone, Pettigrew was holding some baby like figure and the baby like figure said "kill the spare." Harry didn't know what to think about it he wanted to tell Hermione about and see what she thought of it. The only problem was he couldn't find time where Hermione was alone to tell her. Hermione was ether with Cedric or with him and Ron. As the trio reached the Great Hall they saw a boy waiting outside the doors waiting for someone. When the trio got a few feet away from the mystery boy they noticed it was Cedric. Hermione smiled as she ran to Cedric. Cedric smiled as he rapped his arms around his girlfriend into a hug. Harry couldn't help but feel very jealous as he watched his crush and her boyfriend hug each other in a loving embrace. Cedric and Hermione broke from their hug and kissed each other beefy on the lips and walked into the Great Hall hand and hand. Ron gave Harry an apologetic smile as he knew how hard this must be for Harry for the girl he really likes is going out with another man. The two walked into the Great Hall and walked to the Gryffindor table and both sat next to Hermione.
The weekend came to quick for Hermione. It's now Friday and she has just finished her last class Herbology. She slowly packed up her bag as she waited for Harry, Ron and Neville to finish up with there class work. Hermione felt someone tap her on the shoulder she turned around to find Harry smiling at her. "Did you forget about tomorrow?" Questioned Hermione. Hermione froze for a second she did but she answered by saying "No of course I didn't forget about this weekend I'm helping you get ready for the third task." Harry smirked. "What with the smirk Mr.Potter." Teases Hermione. "Well Miss.Granger it seems like my friend forgot that I know when she lying." Teased Harry back. Hermione gulped she didn't think Harry knew her that good. "Well Mr. Potter you caught me red handed." Smirked Hermione as she picked up her bag and walked out of the green house. Ron and Neville couldn't help but snicker at Harry's failed attempt to flirt with Hermione. The trio grabbed their bags and rushed out to catch Hermione.
Next Morning in the Great Hall
Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Neville were all sitting together silently eating their breakfast. Harry and Hermione were waiting for Ron to come down to eat with them but when Neville came down telling them that Ron was not going to wake any time soon they decided to walk down to breakfast with Ginny joining them. Now here they were eating silently.(as it was early in morning) Harry leaned over to Hermione and Whispered in her ear "When cane we go to the Room of Requirements." Hermione Whispered back "how does right now sound?" Harry nodded his head and stood up waiting for Hermione to follow him. "Harry and I are going to go help him get ready for the third task we will see you guys later." Said Hermione as she and Harry walked out of the Great Hall. Hermione sighed as they reached the Room of Requirements. The doors slowly appeared in front of them. Once in Hermione dropped the book (help-full spells to use when in danger) down on the table . "Alright let's get to work." Said Hermione with her hands going to her hips. Harry smirked at Hermione. Hermione tilted her head a bit to the left and asked "What? Why are you smirking?" Harry just shook his head and shoot a non verbal spell at the dummy.
Word count 1251

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