The second Task

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It was the night before the second task Hermione, Harry, Ron and Neville where all in the library trying to find something that will allow Harry to breath underwater for one hour. "Ugh there has to be something in one of these books." Hermione said annoyed as she slapped shut the book she just finished reading. Neville looked up from his Herbology book "Hermione I might of found something that could help Harry." Exclaimed Neville. "What is it Neville? I'm tired and want to go to bed." Complained Ron "Well it's this thing called Gillyweed the book says that the person who eats it grows gills and fins in replacement of their hands a feet and it lasts up to one hour." Exclaimed Neville excitedly. "Good job Neville now how do we get gillyweed?" Questioned Hermione. " I know Snape has some but I also know Professor Sport has some I have a spare key I can get into the garden and grab some." Explained Neville. The four of them head the library doors open to show the Weasley twins walking in. "Alright Granger and our dear brother Professor McGonagall needs you." Exclaimed the twins. Hermione sighed "Can you give us a minute Fred and George." The twins nodded " Neville you go get the Gillyweed and Harry you go get some sleep Ron and I will wish you luck before the task we will see you in the morning then." Finished Hermione. "Alright George you get our dear ol brother and I got Granger." Said Fred as he grabbed Hermione's arm. Fred, George, Hermione and Ron waved goodbye as they walked out of the library. Once the four reached Professor. McGonagall's office "Alright then this is as far we can go." Said the twins as they started to walk towards the Gryffindor common room. Hermione opened up the door to see what looked like a miniature  Fleur and Cho Chang. Hermione knew actually why they where here it would take a dummy not to know that. They where the " treasures" for the champions. It didn't take to much thinking who was for who. The miniature Fleur was for Fleur, Cho was for Cedric much to her disappointment, she was for Viktor, and Ron was for Harry. "You four must be wondering why I need you four the night before the second task?" Asked Professor McGonagall. Everyone nodded " Well you four are going to be the treasure's that the champions have to find and rescue. You will be in a deep sleep until your head hits the surface of the water." Explained Professor McGonagall. That was the last ting Hermione remembered before it became dark.
Before the second task.
Cedric was passing back and forward on the floating platform he was getting worried Hermione said that she would come and see him before the task. Cedric didn't see her at breakfast and now the task was about to start in ten minutes! Maybe she has forgotten that she was supposed to see him? No that couldn't be right. Cedric turned around when he heard footsteps walking towards him he was hoping it was his girlfriend Hermione walking towards him but it wasn't, it was Potter walking next to him. Maybe Potter knew where Hermione was has he wasn't at breakfast ether. "Potter." Cedric Whispered. Harry looked up at Cedric " If your going to ask if I know where Hermione is I don't know where she is, last night the twins said that Professor McGonagall needed her and Ron but they never came back last night." Whispered Harry back. Then it hit him Hermione and Ron are the " treasures". Hermione would be his and Ron would be Harry's. "Alright can I have everyone's attention today the champions have to retrieve the treasure that was stolen from them last night they have one hour to do so." Boomed Dumbledore's voice. "On the count of three the champions will dive into the water to start searching for there treasure one..two...three!" Yelled the bagman as the champions divided into the lake. Cedric watched as Harry changed Cedric was confused what spell did Harry use? What spell gave you gills and fins? Cedric and Harry swam side by side as they helped each other. As they reached the "treasures" Cedric's where trained in Hermione. Cedric swam faster to reach Hermione and rescue her. That was the only thing that was on his mind as he swam towards Hermione. Cedric started to release Hermione when Cho's head leaned on Hermione's shoulder. He groaned hasn't anyone been paying attention the past couple of weeks? Hasn't anyone seen him holding Hermione's hand in the hallways , waiting for her in front of the Great Hall, giving her a kiss on the lips or cheek before she entered the Great Hall or the snogging/ study sessions in the library. The two started publicly dating a couple of days after the Yule Ball. Cedric groaned agin when he noticed that the one he had to save was Cho so he grumbled as he let Cho free and swam up with her.  A couple of seconds after Cedric and Cho where safely on the platform Viktor and Hermione followed. Cedric rushed over to Hermione as soon as she was on the platform. Cedric held Hermione close to him trying to get her warm. Which wasn't much help as he was also just as wet as her. Cedric grabbed a towel and rapped it around Hermione's shoulders taking his hands he rubbed them up and down her arms trying to make her warmer. Cedric noticed as Hermione's eyes where trained on the lake. Hermione was looking to see her two best friends to surface from the lake. Cedric felt a bang of jealousy has he watched his girlfriend look at the lake. Cedric had to remind himself that she was just really worried for her friends and just wanted them to be safe. A couple seconds later two heads popped out of the water Ron a Gabriel (Fluer's  sister.). Both of them gasping for air. Hermione hurried over to the side of the platform helping up Fluer's sister and Ron quickly behind Gabriel.  Harry came flying onto the platform Hermione was quickly to his side with a towel. " Harry you gave me a fright when you didn't come up with Ron and Gabriel." Scold Hermione. "I'm sorry Hermione I came in last didn't I?" "No Harry you came in second to last Fleur never made it."
"We would like to announce the scores." Yelled the Bagman. "In first place Cedric Diggory we reward him with 45 points! In second place is Harry Potter we reward him 40 points! In third place is Viktor Krum we reward him with 35 points! And it last place Fleur Delacour with 25 points!" Yelled the Bagman. Hermione stood up and grabbed Cedric's uniform and crashed her lips to his. Cedric returned her kiss with just as much passion. When the two broke the kiss Cedric asked "As much as I love it when you kiss me what was that for?" Hermione smiled "You deserve a kiss for getting in first place." Cedric smirked and pulled Hermione in for another kiss.

Word count 1204

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