chapter 2

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"Dan! Wake up you're gonna be late to school!" A deep voice yells from outside dans room.

He groans as he pushes the blankets off him lazily and slides out of bed.

"Are you up?" That familiar voice yells again this time banging on the door.

"Yes dad!" He replies obviously annoyed.

He finally moved from the one spot in front of his bed to the corner of his room where his body mirror stood with a school uniform hanging from it.
Dan grabs the uniform and changes quickly.
He rushed out to the dining room to grab his keys and run out the door to avoid his lame excuse of a dad into the loud busy streets of London to make his way to his school.

Dan never really knew what was to come the next day as everyday was chaotic and busy. He learned to stop expecting for a simple life when he was young. He lives with his dad but has no idea where his mum is because his dad never wants to tell him no matter how much he begs to know. So dan doesn't really know what it's like to have parents who actually care for you.

Dan works at a cute little cafe which is usually packed so he is just a stressed 3rd year student. He's not the brightest, but he's an okay student barely making it by like almost everyone in his school. He has 2 friends who are dating which gives everything they do together a third wheel feeling for him. So he gave up on trying to be the "center of attention".

His friends are called Alfie and Zoe they're pretty cool, and keep an eye out for dan knowing the situation with his family and his sexuality. They try to invite him places with them but he always closes them out knowing he's going to be the third wheel trying to avoid awkward situations. They have caught on by now that he doesn't like being the 3rd wheel so they just stopped inviting him places instead of standing face to face with rejection every time.

Dan has always planned to travel the world to look for the life he's always wanted. Which is to be out of the closet and accepted for who he is with a happy family.

Dans been in the closet for about 8 years. He knew when he was gay when he had his first girlfriend in middle school but wasn't really attracted to her in the way his guy friends explained so he saw signs of being different When he first got his job he noticed he was starring at men and small glances at women so he knew for sure by then. But he's scared of what his incredibly straight alcoholic father is going to think. So he just keeps his life to himself.

Dan works a night shift and arrives at home late to a terribly drunk dad but he's dealt with this his whole life and just tries to escape by hiding in his room alone just browsing the internet and writing a "diary" in his phone notes knowing no one ever has possession to his phone.

Something that's never happened , happened one night. He looked out the window by his bed into the dark midnight sky and saw a shooting star.
He closed his eyes and wished for his dreams to just happen now. He wanted an escape button.

And with that, he exhaled slowly.
he fell back onto his bed with a steady pace breathing and distance sounds of his dads loud music and drunk singing as his eyes shut.

Okay , this is bad and short I know but it's 3:30 am and I can't sleep. Even though I have sleep written on my eyelids. Anyways I'll update a lot cause I don't have anything better to do besides make videos and I don't go outside so that works too

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