chapter 16

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Phil's POV

I know it happened. I can feel it in Dans heart. I was laying with Alfie and Zoe watching E.T. When all of sudden Dan's body started to shut down, his heart dropped to his feet. His stomach made me jump up off the couch and to the restroom to throw up. His legs were shaky and couldn't stand. And this all made me cry.

My Nan is gone now. I cried in the restroom throwing up. "Hey buddy, how do you feel?" Alfie walked in with a glass of water. He got down to my level on his knees and patted my back. "Like my stomach is about to come up and fall into the bowl." I explained.

"I have ibuprofen." Said Zoe who walked in with two little red pills in hand.
She handed them to me and they watched me put both in my mouth and take the glass of water washing the pills down my throat.

I started crying more as the pain wasn't going away. Who would've known even though it's a different soul you would still feel their heart break from hundreds of miles away. So the days going by slow with painful body aches and heartbreak that I know Dan isn't feeling as bad as I am. It's his body for gods sake.

After hours of lying in bed while non stop crying and vomiting it's dinner time. "Hey Phil, do you think you have an appetite?" Zoe comes into the door frame. I shook my head "I wish. But whatever it is it smells nice." I said weakly before turning over to the bucket beside my bed and throwing up the nothingness in my stomach. "I don't understand! I haven't even eaten anything!" I screamed from my room.

Alfie walked in with a glass plate, a bottle of Sprite, and in his hand two more red pills. "Here mate, crackers and fruit should help. And I read online sprite helps upset stomachs. He handed me the two red pills as drink as I sat up. He placed the glass plate of small foods on my lap as I laid under the black covers.

I quickly took the pills in my mouth and swallowed the very fizzy drink and laid back against the board of the big bed. "Thank you." I weakly said to Alfie. "No problem mate. It's what friends are for." He said patting my leg and walking towards the door to exit.

"Now get some rest you and that body must be exhausted. " he added as I nodded agreeing with the statement as he flipped the light switch and he walked through the white door shutting it quietly as possible behind him.

I pulled out Dans phone and started writing like always.

"Hey Dan. So I know it happened. I'm sorry. But something we didn't know , when the other person feels heartbreak some of it goes to the heartbroken and the rest and most goes to the actual body. So I've just been lying in bed all day vomiting up your lungs. It sucks cause it just added to my heartbreak already. Anyways Nan told me to go to the city when she passed and make her proud and to share my intelligence and humor with the world. So let's set up the meet now. Be you soon :/. "

And with that I shut off the bright screen and placed it on the table along with the bottle of soda. I began to nibble on the crackers and fruit Alfie brought in only minutes ago. I managed to keep them down and stared at the ceiling until I drifted off into a deep slumber.

I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom with white bed sheets. I looked around wondering where I was until I sat up and saw Chris and Pj on the other side of the room in the closet putting clothes in big suitcases. "Morning mates." I said my voice still raspy cause I had just awoken.

They turned their attention to me "Morning Phil." They both said. I gave them a confused look as they went back to putting a bunch of clothes into suitcases again. "Umm.. what's going on? Why are you two packing?" I asked removing the covers off my long legs. "Check your notes." Pj said not looking back at me.

I grabbed my phone off the side table and began reading the message the younger boy had left me from last night. After I got done reading I looked up at the couple "so I still don't get it. Why are you packing?" I asked.

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