chapter 4

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"Phil?" A sweet muffled voice calls.
Dans eyes shot open "mum?" He mumbled.
No answer.
"Mum?!" He called louder waiting to hear the feminine voice again.
"No phil, it's nan. Now get up, I know you don't need school but get up. you're going to be late. " the voice yelled from a distance.
Dan shot up off the bed he was in to leap for the unfamiliar door
Opening it harshly to reveal an older woman standing almost a foot shorter than him.
"Who are you?" he asked backing up to find a wall to lean on because he always says "back against the wall and the demon can't grab you"

"Phil? Are you sick? I think you should stay home from school and go to work later okay?" The woman said walking closer to the scared raven haired boy.

"Phil? Who the hell is Phil? And who are you?!" Dan said backing up into the room he woke up in slamming the door in the face of the small lady. He sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands trying to smack his senses back into him. He smacks himself then looks up hoping he will end this dream and wake up in his normal small room.

After attempting that for what feels like forever he looks around to see a body mirror on the side of the bed and decides to walk cowardly over to it.

Revealing a skinny, pale, black haired, blue eyed boy in his reflection. He screamed and jumped for the bed grabbing the covers and pulling them over him for seconds then peeking out as if he was a five year old child seeing if the apparent monster was still in his closet.

Dan removed the covers and started feeling his body carelessly hoping to feel his familiar oddly shaped body moving down with every touch feeling more curves than what he knows he has , not realizing he was about to grab Phils package. As soon as his hands gripped what he knew wasn't his he flew off the bed His eyes grew wider instantly while his hands swung up feeling a warm heat rise up his face as he turned a dozen shades of pink and red.

"What the hell is going on? Why am I" He thought to himself bringing his knees to his chest to hold. He sat there against the wall stressing until the older lady walked into the room again and towards him making him flinch.
"Hey love, are you okay now? You don't need to go to school. 4th year is easiest anyways, especially for you." She said patting his shoulder reassuringly.
He just nodded and melted into the cold hand that was now on his face feeling love from this action.
"Come out and eat when you're ready okay?" She said walking out the room and he walked towards the mirror again.

He stared into his reflection wanting to accept who he is right away. He sees a blush rising with every second. He looks away and looks for something to confirm this is real. His eyes lock on the white colored phone across the room on a desk. He rushed to it, eagerly grabbing it scrolling through the apps.
"What? Where's Snapchat?" He mumbled under his breath. Giving up on the phone and placing it back on the desk.

He slowly opens the door of the bigger room to a bigger house than his. He walks around to find the older lady again. When he did he froze.
"Phil? Are you okay?" That seemed like the only thing she could ask with no emotion. She handed him a plate of waffles and a mug of coffee.

He nodded slowly and took the items from her making his way to the table.
"Wow , you're not yourself today. You're sitting at the table with me?" She asked opening her newspapers.

"Uh y-yeah. Can I ask something?" He said nervously looking down poking the food on his plate with his fork.
She looked up "yeah what's wrong dear?"
"Uhh. Ummm..." he said keeping his head faced down.
"Say it Phillip." She said sipping the white mug in her hands.

"Where do I work?" He mumbled.
"Eh?" She said with a loud gulp.
"Where do I work?" He said a tiny bit louder.
She laughed. "For a second there it sounded like you asked where you worked." She said taking another sip.
He slightly looked up hiding behind his black fringe.

She looked back at him and choked.
"Phil y-you don't know where you w-work?" She managed to choke out trying to gain composure.
He turned red and looked into the corner of the ceiling while the room fell silent for what felt like forever. "The gas station down the road." She said getting up and walking away from the awkward feeling on the dining room table.

He sighed taking his plate to the big kitchen then making his way back to Phil's room. He tried to go on the internet and look up what it all meant.
'No results'.

The words struck him over and over again. He sat there in thought for what felt like a little bit but apparently was hours. Thinking of the possibilities of this being s dream still.

"Phil, it's time for you to go work." The lady walked in and handed him a uniform.
The uniform was a plain white button shirt and black slacks. She gave a small obvious confused smile and wave before walking to sit back at the dinning table.

Dan put on the work clothes and headed out the front door following the only visible path hoping it would lead him to a small gas station.
After walking for like five minutes he thought maybe he was doing something wrong.
"The older lady said the gas station down the street. So it can't be this far."he thought to himself staring down at his feet that were going a steady pace not noticing the small woman he crashed into.

"Phil?" The small ditzy lady jumped up off the floor.
He gave a weak smile and nodded.
"You're here! You weren't at school." She added.
He mumbled "uh yeah I don't feel good."
"Not that you need it anyways. But yes let's get this shift over with so you can get rest and get well!" She jumped up and walked into the small store behind them.

Dan starts to remember the one path he took down to the store to get home. When he arrived at home he doesn't see the nice lady at the table enjoying a paper. He ignored that fact and made his way to the large room.
Entering the room he removes his shirt throwing it on the desk turning around to see the older lady sitting on the edge of the bed with a curious look written all over her face.

"So, who are you?" She asked getting off the bed and making her way to look up at the tall boy in the ocean blue eyes.
He backed up panically feeling for the wall again.
"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered.
"You're not Phil. So what's your name?" She said pulling his ear down to level her eyes with his.
He started to panic more unable to spit English out at this point.

She saw the worried look in his eyes. "It's okay, I know what it is. You're not Phil. You're someone else from another place. I went through the same thing. But I was never blessed with meeting the lovely man I became although he is much younger than me." She said looking into the distant like she was imagining it over again.
His eyes grew wide. Still attempting to spit something out.

"Oh, dear. Let's go get water." She said to the choked up teary eyed boy. They made their way to the table and she handed him a glass of water.
"So? What's your name?" She asked sitting up right focused only one the nervous blue eyed boy.

"D-Dan." He stuttered again still not believing that she knew.
"Dan! What a lovely name! You're truly blessed to be able to go through the switch." She smiled.
"The switch?" He questioned.
"Yes. This is obviously your first time because I knew right away you weren't my Phil." She nodded. Dan leaned in showing interest in the conversation.

"The switch is when you switch bodies from where ever in the world every day." She added.
Dan smiled because now he understood most of it. "Every day? I'll be back as Phil?" He tilted his head slightly reminding the older lady of a little boy.

She laughed and nodded her head.
"So, my name is grace but call me nan okay?" She commented. Dan just nodded and yawned.
"Confusing day huh?" She giggled. "Go get some rest I'll see you soon okay?"
He looked confused once again.
"The switch takes place when you go to sleep at night" she stated.

He nodded and smiled. "Thank you, nan." Walking to the room and plopping down on the soft bed sighing in relief before shutting his eyes.


This was a fun chapter to write I hope you enjoyed reading it I'll start the next update soon :)
- susan

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