chapter 22

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Dans POV

We arrived at the truck, got in until a familiar car pulled up right beside us.
"Stop the car Alfie!" I yelled unbuckling and getting out the car.

"Dan?" They yelled at me. Alfie shut off the car and they both got out and followed me.
"Dan, what are you doing? Why are you following them?" Zoe asked as soon as they caught up.

"That's them. I can't be wrong." I said running having the couple run right behind me. "Hey!" I yelled at the couple. They turned around and gave us weird looks until their eyes locked on me. I smiled and almost cried.

"Chris. Pj." I said. They got it right after I said their names. "DAN!" They yelled and tackled me with hugs.

"Oh my god. Phil was right!" Chris said eyeing me up and down.
"What?" I asked looking at the couple who were both eyeing me now.
"You are beautiful." Pj answered. This made me blush.
"H-he said that?" I looked away and hid behind the curl resting on my forehead.

"Yes!" Chris said nudging at Pj making him realize something.
He pulled out his phone, unlocked it and started looking in his gallery for something.
"Before, you show me anything." I stopped Pj from scrolling. They looked at me in confusion.

I stood back and pulled Alfie and Zoe to my sides.
"This is Alfie" I pointed to Alfie who smiled and reached his hand out to shake theirs. "Alfie that is Chris." I said pointing at the boy on the left.
"And that is Pj." I said pointing to the boy on the right.

"Chris, Pj. This is Zoe." I said pushing her gently forward at them. They put out their hands and she pushed it away going straight for a hug. They both looked confused at first but immediately hugged her back.

I laughed. "Chris and Pj, Zoe and Alfie. These are the people I told you about from both sides of the switch." I explained looking at both the couples. They exchanged smiles.

"Thank you so much for taking care of our Dan." Alfie told them and Zoe nodded her head.

"No thank you for taking care of our Phil. He told us a lot about you guys." Pj said back at them.

"So you guys are a couple right, that's what dan told us?" Zoe asked smiling at the two boys in front of them. They both nodded and intertwined their fingers like Zoe and Alfie were.

I laughed and hugged them again.
"W-where is Phil?" I said letting go of them and looking around.
They shrugged their shoulders.
"We kinda all got into a fight and now we've just been searching every hotel in town." They explained with a sad look on their face.

My face dropped "oh. please tell us when you find him." I told them. They nodded. "Thank you." I told them and they hugged me one more time.

"Well we're not going to hold you guys up, we need to find Phil too." I told them.
They nodded and began walking away. We bega to walk back to the car until Zoe ripped her hand out of Alfies and ran back up to the boys.

She stood in front of them and was talking. After like two minutes she came running back and took Alfies hand again.
" What did you tell them?" I asked her as we began walking again.

"Well you are aware of Couples game night tomorrow, so I invited them. It's the least we can do. They helped you everyday you were gone." I smiled "yeah. Can't wait." I said as we all got back in the truck.

Finally something I could look forward to for tomorrow's game night. Hanging out with Chris and Pj again. But this time as me. I let all these happy thoughts run through my head as we drove home.

When we arrived at home Zoe ran inside realizing that there was a mess.

Alfie grabbed her by her shoulders and stopped her "babe. Calm down, there's three of us and one house. It'll get done before six tomorrow." He reassured her. She let out a sigh.
"You're right. We're fine." She tip toed to kiss him.

"Gross, get a room." I joked.
They both glared at me "shut up sorry you don't like girls" Alfie laughed and shot back.
"You wish you could kiss Phil" Zoe stuck her tongue out at me.

I turned red. "Both of you can shut up." I blushed and made my way to my messy room. I changed into my soft black joggers and a grey shirt. Not too long after that a knock on my door happened.

"Come in!" I yelled from inside.
Zoe opened the door and peeked her head inside before stepping in completely.
"Dan, Alfie and I are going to get fast food. What do you want?" Zoe said
"Well smart child, where are you going so I have an idea?" I said like a smart ass.

She stuck her tongue out at me again.
"Ouch. That hurts five foot two." I joked
Her face dropped and she ran to the pillow on my floor throwing it at me. "Five foot two will hurt you." She said turning her back to me trying not to laugh.

I just laughed "whatever works. I'm not picky you guys know me." I said to Zoe's back.
She nodded and walked out the door closing it behind her.

I guess I won I thought to myself. Seconds later as I laid back against the board of my bed Zoe and Alfie rushed in the room with Nerf guns shooting me with hundreds of styrofoam bullets.

I screamed and pulled my pillow over my face as a shield. Once the bullets stopped the guns were thrown on the floor. Bad choice Zoe and Alfie. I thought to myself. I knew my plan already.

They laughed "alright we'll be back." Alfie said putting his arm around around Zoe and walking out my room.

I heard the front door close and lock and that's when the plan needed to be throw into action. I had limited time if I wanted to get two as one.

I quickly grabbed all the orange bullets from around my room and put them back into the giant plastic guns lying on my floor.

I quickly found a way to wield both of the giant guns. I waited in the kitchen on the floor until I heard the door knob jiggling. I picked the guns and waited for them to enter.

"Dan! The foods here!" Zoe yelled placing the bags of food on the table taking off her shoes and placing them next to Alfies. They turned their backs to face my room yelling again.

I silently tip toed behind them cocking the guns they quickly turned around and I began shooting the bullets quickly at both of them as they ran around trying to find something to cover up with.

After I shot all the bullets I blew at the barrel of the guns and throwing them on the floor and dropping to my knees dramatically. We all laughed "Now we have more to clean" Zoe complained.

"You guys started it." I said stuffing a fry in my mouth and picking up a bag to take to my room.

so next chapter... you ready?

the books almost over !

- susan

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