chapter 11

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AN: Hey! This is sort of a filler chapter before I start the new one so warning for the next chapter and rest of the book, things are about to get bad. But for now enjoy a chapter of the diaries the boys wrote to each other over several days. Love you :) Remember ¨Dan:¨ Means Dan in Phil's body and ¨Phil:¨ Is Phil in Dan's body.

Dan: Hey Phil, Today Chris PJ and I went to go see a new scary movie right after school. I forgot what is was called but it was about like a group of people trying to find a cure for a zombie apocalypse, cheesy huh? Obviously your town doesn't have a movie theaters so it was another one of those drive ins. Anyways Nan seems to be hiding something on her phone it's easy to tell so I'm planning to find out when she sleeps tonight. Update: I tried.... I got tackled. So sorry if you're sore tomorrow. Be you soon.

Phil: Morning Dan! I think it's uh best for you to not try to find out what she's hiding you know what if it's like a secret boyfriend or nudes! Yeah! Nudes. You don't wanna see that. Anyways now that school's out Zoe, Alfie, and I have been going out a lot too. We go to bakeries and movies and amusements parks. Super fun what you guys have in the city! Update: It's about ten thirty at night and we just came back from a game night with more of your friends i'm assuming, they were called Felix and Marzia, super cool people I'll admit though now that I do not have to act like you around the flat, it was hard acting like you again in front of the other couple. By the way do you like only have straight friends who are all dating or what? Lol, Be you soon.

Dan: Hey Phil, firstly I'M SORRY THAT I CAN'T FIND OTHER GAY FRIENDS. And yeah, i've only hung with Felix and Marzia like twice before so I don't know them too well. Doubt they became suspicious. STOP SPENDING MY MONEY ON A BUNCH OF SWEETS AND PANCAKES! YOU'RE GONNA GET ME SICK AND MAKE ME GO BANKRUPT. And I highly doubt Nan has nudes in her phone you spork. Today was fun again with Chris and PJ except they figured us out. I'm gonna explain my best.

Dan's POV

Today the boys and I are planning to go to another drive in to see some murder mystery after school but today something was off and I felt it. After school when we on the way to Chris's car I could've swore I heard them planning something. When we got in the car it felt like the scene that Alfie and Zoe pulled on Phil. And of course, I was right. Everyone buckled up and they turned around staring at me. ¨So, We love both of you, but we want to know what your name is and how your both Phil and yourself." Chris said calmly. I tried to give them a confused look like I did not understand what they were saying. But of course they are not dumb. ¨Please, We know our Phil Lester. We knew since the day you walked up to us and asked for directions that you were NOT Phil. So tell us your name, we are all friends.¨ Chris added. I sighed and explained to them our situation. They were not freaked out like I expected they were fascinated instead and like me for me. They claim they want to meet me pretty much every day i'm there now.

Dan: So yeah, they know now too but everything is still fun and they call me my name instead. I just DID NOT sell us out for pancakes. You dummy. Lol. Be you soon Phil.

Phil: Hey! Let me start off by saying THAT IS OUR MONEY I WORK FOR IT TOO! That is my defending statement along with I drink plenty of water so we will be fine and I figured they knew about our situation they hinted at me the day before that they were ¨Going code mystery man¨ tomorrow.¨ I was confused but now I guess I know. They do bug me every day too about asking me to ask you where you are so we can all take a road trip and meet you, Zoe, and Alfie in person. Which I keep putting aside cause I think there will a good time to plan a real life meet. Cause if you think about it, yes we have seen each other but we have not seen each other as ourselves in our own bodies and we have not really seen each others personalities side by side and only over the messages. Be you soon.

Dan: Whatever just do NOT get me sick I would like to enjoy my last summer in secondary school thanks. And stop buying all these ugly colorful clothes, it bothers me and it ruins my wardrobe that is supposed to represent my soul. And, stop eating my cereal! I wake up every morning with the cereal box in the corner of my bed or under my pillow. Also Zoe and Alfie want to meet the famous raven haired blue eyed boy soon too so lets arrange something some day :). Be you soon.

Phil: Colors make your eyes and hair look better so suck it up and deal with it Howell. Plus I couldn't help it! I've only seen malls in pictures. In person they're great. You will learn to love and appreciate the art of colors besides black, and I have no excuse for the cereal. You guys have great brands there. Be you soon.

Dan: Phil, Nan is not doing good... I hope it's just food poisoning or a cold. She can't get out of bed and walk. When you come back please help her I don't like seeing her this way. I'm scared. Be you soon.

Phil: Nan isn't getting better and i'm worried now too. What will we do Dan, she refuses to go to the hospital. Be you soon.

Dan: Take her to the hospital today Phil against her will if we don't it might be late to help her with whatever her body isn't fighting. You woke up on the side of her bed cause I was scared of her falling or something. Be you soon.

Phil: I took Nan to the hospital down the road on my back. They let me stay with her so that's why you woke up in the waiting room. I'm sorry, it's your turn. Be you soon.


Hey... don't hate me but things are obviously only gonna get worse.

love you and be prepared.

- susan

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