chapter 7

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"Wake your lazy bum up Daniel Howell." A violent familiar man voice yelled from out of the small room door. Dan grunted and put his boring uniform on "I like Phil's uniform better." he mumbled. He walked out the room to the familiar smell of alcohol his face disgusted as he continued walking to the kitchen to make a short breakfast of toast and an apple. As soon as he finished he tried to avoid any conversation with his dad. He was almost there until he heard his voice calling him. 

"IS IT YOU TODAY?" He asked. Dan turned around looking at the man who knew about the switch. 
"Excuse me?" Dan asked tilting his head 

"You heard me. I know about the flop." The man replied moving closer to the brunette boy. 

"The flop?" Dan asked still confused.


"Oh, the switch." Dan replied.

His dad's eyes grew wide. "don't call it that." he said angry.

Dan nodded hoping to end the conversation right then so he wouldn't have to deal with this horrible man any more. After about five seconds of silence he started to head out the door. 

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I"M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU MISTER!" The man yelled again grabbing Dan's arm rough.

"Ouch, please s-stop dad that h-hurts." Dan said trying to loosen his dad's grip that was creating a giant purple bruise on his arm.

"IS IT A GUY?!" He asked tightening his grip.

"W-who?! Is who a guy?" Dan cried still trying to push his dad off.

"IS IT A GUY YOU'RE FLOPPING WITH?" His dad asked grabbing his other arm making him stop his shaking. 

"Y-yes!" Dan cried being pulled closer to his dad's face. 

"YOU FAG. I WON'T ALLOW THAT IN THIS HOUSE!" His dad said raising his arm to smack the brunette boy. 

"IT'S NOT MY CHOICE DAD" Those words made his dad stop his action of almost slapping him. 

"Do you like him?" Dan's dad asked calm.

Dan refused to answer. 

"DO YOU LIKE HIM?!" His dad asked shaking Dan and spitting while talking. 

"YES! I LOVE HIM" Dan screamed. His dad let go of his arms pushing him back and punching him to the floor. 

Dan groaned in pain getting up off the floor and pushing past his dad running to his room opening his bag stuffing as much clothes as he could inside and grabbing his charger and laptop. He closed the bag, flung it over his shoulder and bursting through the door making his way to the front door. 

"Where do you think you're going?" His dad said walking over to Dan again. 

"Anywhere but here." Dan replied.

"You really think you'll meet your little fag boyfriend?" He laughed. 

Dan stopped in his tracks not turning around but listening. 

"It's all a fake. You won't meet him, he doesn't want you. You'll just end up like me, an alcoholic but i'm ashamed to have a son who's a gay I can't believe your mom left me with gay and sorry excuse of a son." He laughed again.

"He'll fall in love and leave you just like your mo-" Dan ran up pushed and punched him straight in the nose and spit on him before grabbing the bag he packed and running out the door slamming it. His dad ran outside holding his bleeding nose yelling at him "REMEMBER THAT DANIEL. THAT BOY WILL NEVER LOVE YOU IT'S ALL FAKE." he slammed the door again.

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