chapter 6

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"Dan? Are you awake? If you are, breakfast is ready." Nan called from the kitchen.

A tall messy black haired boy walks out into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good morning Nan." Dan says yawning and walking to help Nan with the plates and mugs.

"Wow, I wish Phil helped like this." She said smiling allowing Dan to grab the full plates from her hands and placing them on the table giggling. "Phil seems to have such a great life" Dan said inserting the fork of scrambled eggs in his mouth.

"Most times" she added taking a sip out of her white mug with blue flower designs. "Why do you say that?" Dan said stuffing more eggs into his mouth. "He lost his mom, His dad abandoned him and his brother is already gone and I don't want him to live his dream of going to the city yet." she added pouring syrup on her pancakes.

"Why don't you let him go to the city?" He asked taking a sip out of a lion mug with a blue background. "Because i'll be leaving one day and I want him to spend that time with me before I'm gone." she sighed. Dan tilts his head showing confusion "Gone?" he asked.

She giggled "You are so innocent. Gone as in i'm going to pass soon" Dan frowns and puts the mug down on the table. "I live in the city." He added trying to lighten the sad mood. Her eyes grew wide "When I pass please, will you find Phil and live with him?" She begs.

"For you Nan, Anything. I promise I'll find him." He smiled and put his pinky finger out to swear to her. She took his swear and smiled. "Now what city exactly?" she asked "L-" he was cut off by an alarm clock warning that he had to be at school. "What's that?" He asked looking for the source. "You have to be at school, 4th year kid." She laughed.

His eyes grew "4th year?! Nan! I struggle with 3rd year back at home how am I going to do 4th?" Dan panicked. She laughed again "4th year is the easiest Dan, you'll be fine just pay attention. And the reputation that Phil has isn't bad at all so no pressure."

His eyes stayed wide as he was being pushed into his room to get his uniform on. He changed quickly making his way back to the table where his plate still sat. He grabbed the toast off the plate and sipped the mug being pushed out the front door by Nan. "If he's so smart do I have to go?" he groans. "I don't even know his classes or schedule or anything" He says trying to be dramatic throwing his arms in the air.

"That's why I wrote it on the notepad in your book bag." She grunts still trying to push the six foot boy out of the front door of the big house. He groans again "I don't like school." But he gave up fighting her as he felt bad to see her struggle. "fine but I want good dinner" he joked. She just nodded and closed the front door on his face

She sighs and leans against the door "I'm going to miss doing that." She slowly walked to her normal seat at the table. Dan grabbed the notebook out of Phil's book bag studying it closely making his way down to the big school. When he arrived he pretty much memorized the order of what class he was supposed to be at.

The only problem was going to be finding where exactly the classes were. He made it before the first bell trying to look for the science hall he wandered until the first bell rang and at that loud annoying sound he started to panic in the giant halls as he's trying to make it from point A to point B and failing. About three minuets already into the lessons he was trying to avoid teachers "dammit Nan, you couldn't have put the room numbers at least?" he mumbled to himself not looking forward as he was walking and bumped into the principal.

He flew backwards smiling awkwardly and scratching the back of his neck "Hi... ummm." he says quietly.

"Hey Mr.Lester, get to class whenever you have the chance okay? I know even advanced classes are too easy for you but you know, you need the attendance to graduate...or maybe not you did graduate in 3rd year pretty much. Oh well, have a nice day okay Mr.Lester see you around" He said returning a bright smile at him and patting his shoulder making his way past him. Dan stood there speechless with his hand still on his neck.

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