chapter 14

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Dan's POV

I opened the messages from PJ.

¨Hey Dan.¨
¨We need to talk¨

I decided to answer him because I still had time before I was able to see Nan.

¨Morning, Meet me at the hospital?¨ I replied and almost immediately got a response.
¨Be there soon with Chris.¨

He was not kidding when he said soon. He was there in three minuets, I guess he does have a car so that's a giant advantage. I watched his familiar blue car pull into the small parking lot of the hospital I sat in front of. He and Chris got out of the door and made their way towards me.
¨Hey, Why are you here?¨ Pj asked immediately with a worried look in his eyes.

I sighed before answering his question ¨Nan is sick.¨

They both instantly hugged me and shot me an apologetic look.

I tried to shake it off and focus on them before the rest of my attention belongs to Nan for the day. ¨So, what did you guys wanna tell me?¨ I asked trying to get the minuets I had until seeing her pass faster. ¨Oh, yeah.¨ Pj blushed which gave me a weird 'I think I know' feeling.

¨Why did you blush at the question?¨ I asked the boy who was avoiding eye contact.

¨Oh did I? I tend to blush when I get shy and scared you know? It's something I got from my mo-¨

¨PJ¨ I raised my voice at the stalling boy in front of me.

¨ME AND CHRIS ARE DATING¨ He yelled flinching at how loud my voice was. His eyes shot up to mine, that were in shock. In the awkward silence they both shot me sheepish smiles.

My laughter broke the silence , ¨Why are you laughing?¨ asked a still frozen Chris.

¨I knew something had to be going on between you two.¨ I said still laughing.

¨And how exactly did you know?¨ Chris said standing in a sassy pose but putting his arm around a very red Pj.

¨Please! You guys can't hide anything from me now. Friends don't act the way you two do.¨ My laughing calming down and returning a sassy pose to Chris.

Pj tilted his head ¨The way we do?¨

I didn't think before speaking I just shot in an attempt to win the argument between me and the new couple.¨Mhm, I have pictures of you two spooning at the drive in and the way you two are inseparable, the look in your eyes when you look at each other, the way you are like what I want to be with Phi-¨
¨OKAY WE GET IT¨ Chris cut me off. Pj looked at me and started laughing. ¨What?¨ I asked the boy. Chris and I looked confused at the laughing boy. ¨Did you not listen to what you just said?¨ He said in between breaths. I shook my head but Chris seemed to have got it immediately joining his boyfriend in the laugh.

¨The way I want to be with Phil¨ Pj said in a mocking tone. I turned red realizing what I said. ¨I-i did?¨ I said trying to get them to rethink that and question it themselves. That failed as the couple laughed more and grabbed both my shoulders. ¨We knew it too!¨ They said in sync.

¨K-knew what?¨ i asked trying to break free of their grip.

¨You're in love with Phil!¨ they chimed. I broke free of the grip and plopped into the bench I was in before they arrived thinking ¨Did I really fall in love with Phil¨

The couple sat on both sides of me and placing their hands on my knees.
¨Are you really thinking if you love him?¨ Chris asked I answered with a small nod staring off into space than at them.

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