chapter 17

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I woke up in the back seat of the very familiar truck.
¨Morning Dan¨"Chris smiled and turned to me signaling that I was awake. ¨Hey Dan!¨ Pj said looking at me in the review mirror.

I gave a confused look ¨How long did I sleep?¨

¨Well Phil fell asleep early so maybe nine hours?¨ Chris answered turning back around to face the road ahead of us.

I pulled out my phone and looked for any new messages. Nothing. What does it mean? I don't know. All these crazy thoughts racing in my head.

¨I had to have slept for a whole day or something?¨ I added and the boys gave me weird faces.

¨Dan? Did you hit your head or something? Do we need to stop at a hospital?¨ Pj asked turning around not facing the road he was driving on.

¨No! Just keep your eyes on the road.¨ I panicked at the boy who wasn't scared a bit. He turned back at the road.

¨ Are you sure you're okay Dan?¨ Chris asked again.

¨I'M NOT DAN!¨ I yelled and the boys didn't talk. The only thing that was audible was the sound of the road and other cars passing by. Then, laughter filled the quiet truck.
¨Phil was here yesterday. You almost got us.¨ Chris laughed and Pj agreed.

¨No guys it's me. I'm not Dan. The switch didn't happen!¨ I said in a panicking voice again. They still seemed like they didn't believe me. "Ask me something Dan wouldn't know but I would." I pleaded.

"When did you approach us?" Chris asked not turning around to face my eyes.

"Umm... I didn't?" I questioned. "Okay he's Phil. " Pj stated. I sighed of relief. "So what happened ? Why didn't you switch?" Chris asked.

"I don't know... maybe Dan didn't fall asleep?" I answered still confused with the couple. "Ha! Like Dan would miss his beauty rest?" Pj added. I agreed. Dan doesn't like to stay awake at night his fear of the paranormal gets to him easily. Even though he doesn't really believe it.

"So then what? Didn't Nan explain something like this?" Chris asked another question. I didn't answer. I just thought back to the day Nan had explained everything about the switch. I thought for long minutes and then it hit me.

"He's in love!" I spoke before thinking. That comment even made me shocked. "With who?" Pj asked stopping at a red light and reaching over for Chris's hands and intertwining their fingers. "I'm not sure." I said looking out the window as we started to drive again. "I hope it's me." I mumbled but somehow the couple still heard me.

"So you guys don't know who they fall in love with?" Chris asked kind of angry but mostly shocked. "Mhm." I hummed as an answer.

He swore under his breath and still held Pjs hand. "Well, we're going there. So once we find him we'll figure it out okay?" Pj reassured us. "Do you remember him having another figure he could start loving in his life?" Pj asked after the reassuring comment. I shook my head and said "No."
"Then it's most likely you." Chris added fixing his mad attitude into a hopeful cheery one. I nodded in hope along with the couple. "I hope. It's been almost a year since the switch started happening, they're probably all as confused as us." I added.

"Well let's not think about that. We're still a couple hours away. It took longer than we thought cause of traffic. Who would've thought traffic from the county to the city would be horrible." Pj said readjusting in the drivers seat.

"Can we get breakfast?" Chris asked squeezing his lovers hand as if he was begging. Pj rolled his eyes "Fine. Keep your eyes peeled for somewhere we could eat then." He told us as we both just got excited and stared out the window.

Dan's POV

I woke up in my bed. Again? I jumped up thinking maybe I slept a day or something. I ran out the room to be greeted nicer than usual. "Good morning !" Zoe shouted at me from the couch "Morning mate" Alfie said from right next to her. I calmed down and just assumed they're playing "Funny. Anyways even if I was phil why do you greet him better than me?" I said walking towards the kitchen and pouring myself a bowl of shreddies.

"Excuse me?" Alfie asked. I took a spoonful of cereal into my mouth "what?" I walked past him to sit at the table. "Phil?" Zoe asked.

"Again, funny joke." I said to the confused small girl. "Are you okay love? You don't seem yourself today." She added.

"I'm not Phil smart one. And don't call me 'love'" I said putting another spoonful of cereal in my mouth. The couple got up out of the position they were in and walked to sit in front of me. "What?" I asked and continued to eat in spite of the couples eyes glued on to me.

"Dan?" Zoe asked. "Uh yeah? Duh." I said as if it was obvious. "B-but... where's Phil?" She asked. I gave her a confused look to match hers. "What do you mean? Wasn't he here yesterday?" I questioned the couple that was still sat in front of me staring.

They shook their heads "Dan, you were here yesterday." Alfie said. My eyes grew wide. "I was..." We all sat there in confusion. "Did Phil's grandma tell you something? That you know ? Would've stopped the switch?" Zoe asked.

"I can't remember." I said and placed my spoon down away from the bowl. "Well think hard." Alfie said getting up from the seat next to his girlfriend and going to sit back on the couch. Zoe gave me a reassuring smile and went to sit next to Alfie.

I sat there slowly eating the rest of my shreddies and then it rushed in my head. "LOVE!" I screamed holding the spoon in the air. The couple looked behind them at I who was standing there like an idiot with a spoon in the air. "What?" They asked.

"When one person falls in love. The switch stops. My dad started loving my mother and so the switch with him and Nan stopped." I explained to the couple cuddled up on the couch as I sat back down in my chair normally.

They both made an 'O' shape with their mouths before Alfie asked So, who fell in love?" 
I shrugged my shoulders "Well. I love him. So me?" I put my finger on my chin and looked into the corner of the room thinking of the beautiful silk raven hair that falls down on his forehead perfectly, his ocean blue eyes that I could swim in, his perfect pink shaped lips, and his beautiful curved figure.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "I need to find him." I shot up running into the kitchen and placing the bowl and spoon in the sink gently preventing breaking the glass bowl and the loud sound that pierces our ears.

I ran to my room and slipped on my shoes and ran back out to the living room to the couple who went back to watching TV. "Well are you coming or not?" I asked them flailing my arms in the air trying to get their attention from behind them.

They looked back at me again and back at each other. "Okay" they shrugged and got up, walking to their room and slipping on their shoes.

As we were making our way out the door Alfie grabbed his car keys and locked the door behind him.


- susan

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