chapter 3

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Two teenagers screaming for help thinking it'll never actually happen...

Phil woke up to an unfamiliar alarm, groaning and pulling the fluffy pillow over his head
"Grandma! You're alarm" he sleepily comments
The noise continued.
He attempts to reach blindly for the desk a few feet away from the bed ,
he falls two feet to the ground but for him only being half awake, it feels like three hundred.

This action finally fully woke him up.

He stood up feeling a little dizzy, roughly rubbing his eyes and carelessly starts walking across the room to find some sort of door.
Instead he trips over a pile of giant text books in the middle of the floor. He opens his eyes and pushed himself up off the floor looking down at his unfamiliar tan hands. This freaked him out. He jumped up feeling his body all over realizing this wasn't him. He looked around eagerly to find something that will show him a reflection.

His eyes lock on the tall black body mirror and he runs to it.

Looking into the mirror he was a slightly taller brown eyed, tanned brunette boy.
Phil jumped back screaming and knocking down the shelf behind him filled with games cases.

"Dan? What the hell was that?" A raspy voice yelled outside the small room.

" Dan? "He thought to himself.

"Daniel James ! " the same voice yelled again anger rising with every syllable.

"Y-yes?" He shakily said listening to his slightly higher pitched voice struggle to spit words out.

"Hurry up , get ready I'm leaving." The man yelled slamming the front door.

Phil stood up taking another look at the boy who is clearly not the raven haired pale blue eyed boy he really is. He tries pinching his arms and smacking his head to wake up from this that he thinks is a dream. Until he heard a weird sounding notification from the phone on the bed.
He rushed to grab the similar black phone to his own, hoping it was actually his.

He unlocked the phone with a quick fingertip tap confused at the phones function. He looked through the apps seeing bright colored apps he's never seen or heard of before.

"Snapchat?" The curious boy commented to himself clicking the yellow icon with a red circle above it. The app opens as he's greeted with a group chat called "Crzy M8's" containing the names "Pointless.Alfie" and "Zoella1".

Zoella1: Dan? R U OK? U didnt tell us U wernt comin 2 skool?

Pointless.Alfie: Yeah M8, whts that bout'?

Danisnotonfire is typing...

Phil thinks about what to say to the strangers texting the phone that was apparently his.

Danisnotonfire: This is a dream right and who the hell is dan?!

Zoella1: 'Xcuse me?

Pointless.Alfie: oh no.. R U havin another existential crisis?

Phil views the snap in disbelief and just closes the app going into the contacts icon hoping to see a name he might recognize.

"Nothing..." he sighs throwing the phone back on the bed looking at strange uniform hanging from the mirror. He walks over to grab it and put it on. He slowly opens the door peeking his head out to look down both sides of the unfamiliar small corridor before taking small cautious steps towards what he assumes to be the front door.

He steps out looking at the longer corridor of similar doors. He starts to walk forward in the hall to a weird opening and closing metal door with red up and down arrows above it. He steps inside that contained other older looking people. The doors closed and the room was starting to fall slowly. Phil panics feeling his stomach drop and grabs onto the rail along the walls closing his eyes tightly accepting what he thinks is death.
He opens one eye to peak as he sees the door open and people walk in and out.

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