chapter 20

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Dans POV

¨We haven't come any closer to finding Phil!¨ I complained picking up the glass filled with whiskey sitting right next to me and my laptop.

¨Well, drinking everyday doesn't help us find him faster.¨ Zoe said passing by me and snatching the glass off my lips.

¨We can go search again today but remember we don't have a lot of time, we're hosting a game night for couples in two days. Felix and Marzia will be here, Louise and her plus one will be here, my brother Joe and Caspar, and Joey and Daniel. They're all going to be here so we need you to find a plus one for you.¨ She explained.

I groaned ¨I don't want any other partner but Phil!¨ I laid my head back and I got a water bottle thrown at my forehead.

¨OUCH! YOU JERK¨ I yelled holding my head. The couple just laughed.
¨Drink it you need to sober up, Louise needs us to stop by the hotel and pick something up before we go search for your little boyfriend.¨ Alfie passed by me on his way to his room.

¨Fine. AND JUST SO YOU KNOW WE'RE NOT DATING! WE HAVEN'T EVEN MET!¨ I yelled so he was able to hear me from the table.

¨yet.¨ Zoe laughed from the kitchen.

¨Shut up Zoe.¨I said loud enough for her to hear me in the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes and I chugged the bottle of water quickly then ran to my room to get dressed. I put on my normal eclipse shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. I ran out the room to see the couple together waiting and talking.

¨Ready¨ I said interrupting their odd conversation on bears.

Alfie grabbed his keys and we all left the apartment getting into his truck and making our way to the hotel our friend Louise worked at.

We arrived at the hotel and entered to Louise being the front desk receptionist. She greeted us and gave Alfie and Zoe a yes to she had a guest to the couples game night.

¨Yes, I met someone yesterday to bring.¨ She explained

¨Ooh Louise is he your boyfriend?¨ Zoe teased.

She shook her head and said ¨No, he's not straight sadly he's very attractive. But he's a great friend.¨ She sighed.

¨Well we look forward to meeting him" Alfie said.

She shook her head again ¨You already have.¨ With that she walked away tending to a person coming from the elevator.

Alfie and Zoe looked at each other ¨What does she mean by that?¨ Zoe asked still looking up at her boyfriend. He shrugged and they shook it off. But me? I couldn't. If there was a chance that it could be Phil and that feeling from the breakfast place I couldn't let it go.

I made an excuse to go explore for a bit.

¨Uh, I need to go to the restroom. Wait for me okay?¨ I started to walk the same way Louise did not too long ago. I finally found her and I followed her down the corridor until she knocked on a door and I hid. A tall man with black hair opened the door and he came out but I couldn't see his face I had to wait longer.

The tall slender mystery man still hasn't turned around but if he was going to leave soon I couldn't risk it.

¨Phil?¨ I asked running up behind the man and grabbing his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me with hazel eyes. I sighed and felt tears forming.

¨I'm sorry Sir.¨ I looked down and ran away.

¨DAN!¨ Louise yelled. I didn't turn around I would only be embarrassed more. I kept running to Alfie and Zoe.

I reached the lobby and I didn't see Alfie or Zoe. I didn't bother to even look it was empty if they were there I would've spotted them right away. I walked outside the hotel and began walking down the pavement letting warm tears slide down my cheeks.

I'm so stupid, if it was him I would've felt that way I did in the diner. I knew it was him, it could not have been someone else or anything else. I let my thoughts kill me as I continued to walk not knowing where. But going where ever my legs led.

¨DAN?!¨ I heard Zoe's voice. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked up to see Zoe and Alfie running at me. I stopped letting them catch up.

¨Where were you?¨ Alfie asked catching his breath.

¨Where was I? In the restroom like I said I was. Where were you two?¨ I raised my voice feeling betrayed.

¨We went to the coffee shop right next door. Didn't you get our texts?¨ Zoe asked.

I felt more like an idiot. I shook my head ¨No. I left my phone in the car.¨ I told them calmed down.

¨Oh, It's okay love. We got you a pumpkin spice latte we know you love these.¨ Zoe said rubbing my shoulder.

I felt like the worst person ever and my emotions showed that easily. I didn't grab the drink from her hand instead the tears rushed down my face again ten times faster and my breathing was uncontrollable. I broke down in public. Zoe gave both hers and my drink to Alfie and held my face in her cold hands.

¨Dan babe, look at me.¨ she said picking my head up to level with hers. "What is wrong dear?" She asked in such a caring tone. "I-I'm such a failure. I o-only embarrass myself and everyone around me." I stuttered choking on tears. She sighed "oh definitely not! Why would you think that?" She asked staring me straight in the eyes.

"I can't find my true love. I lost you two and it was my fault and after that I yelled and got mad at you two." I cried. She shook her head and made me still look her in the eyes.

"You are such an amazing funny guy and the time will come when Phil will be right by your side and everything will be alright. You have to wait it out. It's raining right now in your life but the rainbow is coming dear! I promise. You embarrassing yourself and us? That's the Dan we love and we wouldn't want it any other way trust me." She explained.

I slowly started to come to my senses and stop crying. "Why do you think we all became best friends?" She said pulling Alfie in to make a triangle. "Yeah mate, we love you and your little embarrassing moments. Otherwise we wouldn't have been friends for so long." He reassured me.

I nodded agreeing and believing what they were saying to me. "Thanks guys." I said almost inaudibly. They just rubbed my shoulders and hugged me. "I love you guys." I said into the tiny huddle we had going on. "We love you too, Dan." Zoe said for both of them.

I smiled and wiped my face.
"Here." Zoe said handing me the coffee they bought me not to long ago. We began walking down the pavement to Alfies truck.

When we made it to the truck a familiar car parked right next to us.

That happened.

- susan

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