chapter 23

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Phil's POV

Today is October ninth.

If you could describe the feeling a woman feels when taking a pregnancy test, that's how I'm feeling about tonight. Maybe even worse! It's three pm that means there's only three more hours until I meet the love of my life. Nothing can calm me down at these moments when I think of Dan.

What will I do when we do come face to face with him?
Will it be awkward?
Will he not think i'm beautiful?

What if he doesn't like me?
What if he doesnt't want me like I want him?

All these crazy horrible thoughts have been in my mind all day since I woke up. I tried to stay productive so the thoughts wouldn't talk me out of going tonight. I need to buy a whole new outfit for tonight. It's the biggest night of my life, I can't look like this.

I quickly put on my black ripped skinny jeans and white sweater. I walked down to the lobby to be greeted by Louise.

¨Good afternoon Phil!¨ She yelled waving and smiling. I waved back and walked up to her

¨Hey Louise, What are you wearing tonight? I need an idea cause i'm going shopping.¨ I asked her after we hugged.

¨Well, i'm wearing my teal skirt and black top so maybe go on the lines of that?¨ She suggested. I nodded and thanked her before leaving out the doors of the hotel. I walked out into the middle of the pavement and called for a taxi.

After the mall I went back to the hotel at five. I was freaking out only an hour until the game night. I ran inside the building quickly saying hi to Louise and running down the corridor to the elevator. I waited impatiently in the elevator that was going up slowly five floors.

When I made it to my room I rushed in and changed double checking if there were tags on the clothes and if there was anything in my teeth even though I hadn't eaten anything since this morning and that was a simple bowl of shreddies from room service. I was paranoid, I couldn't help it though. Moments later I heard knocking at the door. It was Louise of course.

¨Hey Phil, you ready?¨ She asked walking in. I quietly said yes and she saw the nervousness on me.

¨That's a new look for you Phil.¨ She said and I looked down at my clothes.

¨Thanks, I went for the blue and black like you suggested.¨ She laughed at my comment but I was confused on why she did.

¨I meant the nervous look written up and down your body.¨ She said eyeing me up and down.

I quickly looked away and tried to avoid more conversation about me being nervous. She giggled and walked up to stand in front of me
¨It's okay. Breathe, he's gonna like you.¨ She said rubbing my arm.

I looked down at her, gave a weak smile and nodded. ¨Alright it takes about thirty minuets to get there so we're good on time. Shall we go?¨ She asked walking past me. I nodded and grabbed my backpack full of my things as I was planing to be picked up from game night by Chris and PJ to go stay with them again.

We got into Louise's small black car and began driving. The closer we got to the house the faster my heart began to beat, my hands started to shake, my knees became weak, and my adrenaline kicked in. We pulled into a very big place with lots of giant apartment buildings.

Louise drove to the way back where their apartment building was. The buildings were big and brick like and there were so many cars in every parking lot. When we parked we sat in the car for a couple minutes in silence which killed me. She got out of the car without saying anything and moments later my door opened and it was her attempting to pull me out the car.

"No. I'm not ready!" I yelled going limp

"Yes you are Phil! The last switch happened almost a month ago. You haven't seen him in a while." She said putting her hands on her hips

I looked up at her shyly "I know. But this is us meeting! Like in real life! Like face to fac-"

"I know what meeting is Lester." She cut my rambling off by pulling me up making me stand in an awkward position which cause her to shoot me a scary woman look.

I groaned and stood straight up looking into the car window at my reflection. I started to fix my fringe and then put my hands in my pockets.

Louise linked her arm through mine on the walk to the door keeping me from running back to the car. When we made it to the door she hovered her hand in front of the door almost knocking.

I quickly grabbed her and hand and took a deep breath. I let her hand go and she looked at me and grabbed my shoulders making me look down at her.

"Listen Lester." She said in a very sassy tone. That caught my attention quick. Women are quiet scary when they're serious.

"You're going to suck up your nerves, swallow them and shut up. You're going to meet the love of your life and everything is going to be great." She said pushing me gently.

I nodded and "swallowed my nerves" like she said. Obviously I couldn't on the inside as every organ in me was jumping and doing a bunch of flips. I put on a confident smile on and sighed one more time and looked down at Louise.

"See? We're fine okay? Now let's beat all these people tonight in our little marching outfits okay?" She smiled and linked our arms again.

She knocked on the door three times and five seconds later. The door opened.


I know ! I know ! I'm sorry !
But I love you :)

- fire Susan

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