chapter 21

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Phils POV

This was my second night in the hotel and Louise seemed to come keep me company every night by telling me about her day. I didn't mind I did need a friend at a time like this, and she knew Dan.
"Tomorrow is the game night. How do you feel?" Louise asked me sitting on the opposite side of the bed.
"The most scared anyone can be." I answered we both giggled.
"So, I've been meaning to ask you what is Dan to you?" She asked.
"I love him. It's complicated." I told her.
She looked down at her phone clock. "It's only ten. I've got time. My husband already made dinner and put my baby to sleep." She told me getting comfortable and ready to hear this crazy story. I couldn't say no.

"So, you're telling me you switched bodies with Dan from across the world because of something special in your bloodlines?" She asked sounding as if she didn't believe it. I nodded realizing how weird it did sound coming from someone else's mouth.
"You don't have to believe it. It is cra-"
"No! That's freaking amazing." She cut me off excitedly
I laughed "I knew you'd understand." I said taking my tea off the side table and sipping it.

"But still that doesn't answer my question." She said looking back at me.
I shot a confused look at the blonde hair girl sitting on the side of my bed.
"What is he to you?" She asked again. I put my tea back down on the side table. As I was getting ready to speak she beat me to it.
"You love him!" She squealed.
I sat there in shock wondering if she could just read my mind.

"Oh come on! You have it plastered all over your face! The I'm head over heals in love with someone look" she explained in a cheery tone.
I just nodded and smiled.

"Aw! I love it! Well you get to meet him tomorrow!!" She said jumping up and down grabbing my hands to make me jump up and down with her. I smiled excitedly.

"Anyways dear, I have got to get going , if my baby knows I'm missing this late she'll freak!" Louise explained putting her shoes on, taking her charger out of the wall, grabbing her phone and putting all her things in her bag. I nodded "I understand you go be a momma."

She laughed "ill pick you up tomorrow at six so be ready okay?" She hugged me and rushed out the door not waiting for my answer.

I sighed and picked up the small mess I had left.

Until my phone started buzzing from the side table plugged up. I ignored it but it kept ringing. I walked to the phone to see the contact name "Chris" calling. I picked up.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Phil? Phil. Oh my god thank god you're alive. We miss you and we have a something big to tell you." Chris exclaimed through the phone.
"What makes you think we're good ?" I asked still hurt from a couple days back.

The line hung up and I saw two boys walk in
"Because, friends are forever." Pj said walking up to me to meet my face.
I looked away and continued cleaning as Chris came in closing the door.

"How did you even get my hotel and room?" I asked throwing away trash sassily.
"We have ways." Chris said sliding his phone into his pocket. I rolled my eyes
"What do you guys want?" I asked tying to send them a hint that I wanted to be alone.

"We're sorry Phil. Trust us." Chris said.
"Chris and I fought these past few days thinking it was the others fault you left." Pj explained.
That lying look wasn't in their eyes. I stopped being so mean.

"Why?" I asked with tears forming at my eyes.
"Because we don't want to be without our best friend Phil." Pj said coming closer.
"Without you we couldn't find the right in anything." Chris added.
These statements were said with heart I felt it and it only made me cry.

I put down the trash I was carrying and leaned against the wall crying. "When I needed you two, you were too busy on each other. Being a third wheel sucks. And I'm definitely not saying I need all the attention or for you two not to be dating but I would like to be noticed once in awhile." I explained.

They gave me sorry looks.
"We understand that." Chris said looking down at his feet.
"And we're gonna change that if you agree to come back and be best friends with us again." Pj said walking up to rub my back.

I nodded my head and pulled them both into a hug. "Best friends fight. And that's what makes us Chris, Pj, and Phil." I said still sobbing.

We hugged for a while until chris pulled away.
"Okay! Now, the news!" Chris jumped up and pulled my arm and sat me on the bed. They both stood in front of me looking like a crazy dedicated duo of fangirls.

"So! You will not believe what happened!" Chris explained.
"First, we have to explain how it happened." Pj said pushing Chris to talk to me personally.

"So the whole time we were all on a break we kept looking for Dan." With that sentence I sat up straight and gave my full attention to the excited boys in front of me.

"Okay and?" I asked impatiently
"So we kept driving around, and when we came here we ran into someone special in the parking lot!" Chris got excited with every word. I stood up in disbelief running my hands through my hair making it into a quiff.

"Did you get his number? Was he as beautiful in person? Is he really tall and majestic like I remember?" I started asking every question that came to my mind.

"No, but we did kinda show him something..." chris said and pj pushed him. I shot them a confused look.

"What did you show him?" I asked stepping closer to the couple who looked suspicious.

"Only the video of you talking about him at the diner." Chris spit out and covered him mouth right away. Pj pushed him giving him a 'what's wrong with you shut up already' look.


"It's fine! He feels the same way." Chris said putting his hands up trying to seem innocent.
"We had to show him. How else would he know how you felt?" Pj added.

I jumped on the bed and curled into a ball of embarrassment under the covers. The couple came and sat on both sides of me.
"It's okay Phil." Pj said.
"And we met Alfie and Zoe. They are as nice as you said." Chris added.

After an hour of hanging out with the boys they left the hotel room and we agreed I would go back and live with them starting tomorrow after 'my errand' with Louise I didn't want them ruining.

Chris's POV

We just left Phil's hotel room after agreeing that we'd all move into together again after tomorrow night. Which worked out with our plans too.
"Babe?" I looked at Pj.
He looked back at me "Yes?" He said grabbing my hand.
"Do you think we should've told Phil about game night?" I asked
He stopped in his tracks slapping his forehead with the opposite hand that wasn't holding mine.
"Well we can't now. We'll tell him tomorrow. He's going to sleep." Pj assured me.
I nodded and we began walking down the corridor to the elevator.

you guys must hate me because they haven't met yet and it's chapter 21
Sorry. I love you!

- susan

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