Tough Tie Trouble

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I wake up at five, take a shower, and get changed. Then I head downstairs to have some breakfast before Luke comes to pick me up.

"Need a ride to school on your first day?" Mum offered.

I panic about the whole she hates the guys thing and reply, "No. I'll take the bus. Bye!" I rush out the door to the hot day. "God, I miss home." New York was so cold and everything and I'm so not immune to the hot days Australia has.

Luke pulls up and asks, "Are you getting in or what?"

"Shut up." I said hoping into shotgun.

When I get in right away someone screams, "SHIT!"

I turn around after my mini heart attack and see Calum, Michael, and Ash laughing their asses off.

"I hate you guys." I said sinking in my seat.

"C'mon Eliza!" Luke said patting my shoulder. "It was a minor joke."

Michael laughs and says, "Eliza always get's scared easily. That's one of the perks of having her as a best friend."

Calum looks serious and apologizes, "Sorry Eliza." He thinks and suggests, "Eliza is too long. How about El?"

I turn around in my seat and snap, "'El' is Spanish for he."

Ash apologizes and says, "I thought last night we decided Ms. Creativity."

I nod and say, "It's better than what Calum came up with. It suits me."

"We're here!" Luke said stopping in the carpool lane. "Now ask the big kids for help and try not to get lost."

"I'm almost eighteen in April, I can manage myself." I point out. "Bye guys!" I wave to them.

When I reach my locker I found after forever a giant group of girls surrounds me and ask, "So is 5SOS as cool as they really are?" or "Are you dating one of them?"

I slam my locker and that shuts them up. "Leave me in peace, please." I said walking to English Lit.


I felt like everyone was watching and they kept pulling up off topic questions about 5SOS and then everyone turns to me. Even the guys! They would ask if they can play soccer with them. It was crazy!


After school the guys pick me up and we drive to the mall because Michael said and I quote, "Get in we've got shit to do!"

"This one?" Ash asked holding up a green tie.

"NO!" We said in unison.

Ash is trying to find a tie because he told us as the only "mature" memeber of the band that it's his part to have a tie. Why couldn't he choose socks or a shirt!? Why a tie!? Well that's Ash for you. Very unpredictable.

I fiddle around with my phone while Ash looks at the black and white ties that all look that same to me.

Calum taps my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Want to walk around?"

I get up and see we leave as Ash fights with the clerk about which tie really "brings out his eyes". The tie business is very complicated.

Me: Thank you by the way.

Calum: For what?

Me: For letting me have friends. In New York I was the weird kid on the block.

Calum: I think you're pretty awesome, Ms. Creativity.

We walk into a piano shop, sit down and start jamming out. I get up and begin to dance and Calum joins be in a slow dance and I see that the owner is playing the piano as we waltz around in the store.

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