Christmas Fever

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"What do you want for Christmas?" Mikey asked me.

We were doing some early Christmas shopping together while the rest of the guys were decorating their houses.

"A magical unicorn that farts rainbows!" I said sacastically.

Michael scuffs and says, "I'm being serious."

I look at him in the eyes and reply, "I want my dad to come home and be safe. Does that answer your question?"

He wraps his arm around me and says, "I'm sorry."

"It'll happen eventually. I know it will." I look into a book store and say, "We're going inside because you four ruined my chances of going to the library."

Mikey groans and says, "It all goes back to that incident."

We walk in and I show him all the awesome books that I will read.

"Facinating!" Mike said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. Where do you want to go now?"

He smiles and says, "GAME STOP!"

"Of course." I said following the boy with the purple hair.

We enter Game Stop and now I know how Mikey felt walking into the bookstore. I rather slam my fingers in a car door than this.

"Ms. Creativity, can you please try to like this place?" Mikey asked looking at a rack of video games.

I roll my eyes and say, "I would've said the same to you in the bookstore but no I was passive agressive!" I look over his shoulder and say, "Don't buy anything for yourself because I need to buy you something for Christmas."

Mikey laughs and says, "Alright, but can I ask what you do you want and something I can buy!"

I laugh and say, "Books, clothes, and money. I don't have like specific things so just get me gift cards."

"That's the way to go." Mikey said hugging me. "Want to go see Santa?"

"I haven't done that in nine years!"

Mikey takes my hand and says, "Well that's too long."


"What do you want for Christmas?"

Michael gets adjusted into Santa's lap and replies, "Every video game in the whole wide world and a life load of pizza."

Santa nodded and said, "I'll see what I can do."

MIkey gets off and forces me to sit down on Santa's lap.

"What's your name?" He asked.


"Alright Eliza, what do you want for Christmas?"

"I want my dad to come back from Iraq."

"What does he do?"

"He's in the military."

Santa nods and says, "I'll see what I can do and if you're a good girl then most likely."

I get off and walk over to Michael.

"Now wasn't that fun!?" Mikey asked as we exited the mall.

I laugh and respond, "Not too bad, Clifford."


I sit in the living room drinking hot cocoa in my pj's watching 'Elf'.

Ding Dong!

"Eliza, go get it!" Mum called from her room.

I pause the movie and open the door to reveal Ashton wearing a tux (with his new tie) holding roses and a note.

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