Those Beach Days

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Finally, when Saturday rolls around I wake up to see a text from the guys saying to get ready for the beach at exactly 11:55.

I get into a green bakini, and pull some jean shorts over. Pack a floral backpack with a book, iPod, water bottle, floopy hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, towel, volleyball, and my phone.

I wait outside for the lads and see them pull up and this time I hop in the back because Calum has shotgun and we're taking Mikey's Jeep with two surf boards in the back.

"I thought you would wear a tankini." Mikey said.

"Why?" Ash asked.

"Oh," Mikey explains, "Ms. Creativity is very hidden from the world and doesn't like walking around naked."

"Haha, but if I'm not alright (and I'm not) with going around wearing a bra and panties out in public then I won't wear one, but today I through 'what the hell.'" I said explaining my point with hating bathing suits as long as I can remember. "Where are we even going?"

"Long Reef Beach!" They all said in unison.

"It's a half an hour drive, but no traffic and since I'm driving I'll make it ten minutes."

"Can you guys surf?" I ask looking at the boards.

"Just me and Ash." Calum said smiling.

Mikey starts the car and I litterally feel like I'm about to end up in a car accident any moment now.


"What the hell Mikey!?" I said when we finally reached the beach. "You could've killed us!"

"But we're alive!" He said taking my arm and pulling me to the beach.

The five of run down to the beach and right away Calum and Ash go into the water to catch some waves.

"Volleyball?" I ask Luke and Michael.

They nod and we get the net set up and I go against Luke first while Mikey keeps score.

"Ready to get creamed?" I asked

"Why aren't you answering your own question?" Luke asked with that smirk on his face.

I serve the ball and Luke runs for it and hits it over where I spike it.

After playing with Luke, Calum and Ash join in where the teams are Luke, Calum, and Mikey v.s. Ash and I.

"Are you good at volleyball?" I ask Ash.

"Eh." Ash said getting ready to serve.

We lost, but not by much so at least we tried.


"What are they doing over there?" I ask pointing to the loud music and teenagers living it up. We got dry and I slipped my shorts back on and the guys stayed in their truncks since it's a girls thing to have a cover up.

Luke gets up and says, "I guess we'll find out."

Calum whisperes something to Ash and Mikey and tells us, "You two go. I think we're going to teach Mikey how to surf."

"Are you sure?" I ask knowing their little set up plan.

"We're good. Go!" They said pushing us away.

We walk down the beach to the noise kicking the small little waves that crash on the sand.

"This is a lot of fun!" I said looking at the breathtaking sunset.

"You can say that again." Luke said kicking a wave.

We reach the noise and notice it was a BBQ that kind of blew up into a giant party of strangers. I like that becuase you might not know anyone, but you all share the same memories in different POV's. It's pretty amazing.

When we actually join them a bunch of girls try to dance with Luke, but he always says, "Sorry, but I'm actually came here with someone." They would give me that evil glare and walk away.

We dance for awhile and laugh until the sunset starts to look magical and Luke and I walk over to the water and when we reach angle deep he splashes me.

"You're so going to pay for that Hemmings!" I said splashing him back. Sometimes you have to play fire with fire and maybe more FIRE!

"Bring it on Wan!" Luke said acting all tough.

I attempt to sprint to him, but the water pulls me down and I end up falling face flat in the shallow water. Smooth Eliza, smooth.

Luke laughs and says, "My God! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Then from all his laughing he looses his balance and falls next to me.

We help each other up and walk back laughing and soaking wet.

Calum sees us walking over and yells to the water, "THEY'RE BACK! MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD YOU CAN'T SURF!"

Michael and Ash come out of the water with their boards and Mikey falls on the sand exhausted.

"That was brutal!" Mikey said crawling over to us.

Calum laughs and asks the both of us, "So what did you guys do?"

"Danced and had a splash fight." We replied.

I rub my arms because it's getting cold and Luke says, "We should go because A) it's getting cold and B) we have to be home before it gets too dark."

I walk over to my towel and backpack, pick it up and start heading to the car.

I sit next to Luke and he keeps me warm with my towel. It feels nice because Luke has his arm around me and Mikey isn't trying to kill us because he want to take the long way home. I laughed because of the pun.


We reach Ashton's house first to see his brother Harry playing catch with a friend in their front yard.

"You're late." Harry said as Ash closes the door.

"Eliza, this is my brother Harry and Harry this is Eliza, but we call her Ms. Creativity."

"Hi!" I said waving to Harry.

He nods and says, "Nice to meet you."

Ash turns to me and says, "Don't fall for his charming ways."

I laugh and say, "Yes, because he does look like the a horrible little monster."

"I'll see you guys soon!" Ash said walking to his door.


"Calum hurry up!" Calum's sister Mali said from his front door.

"I see a pattern going on with our siblings." I point out.

Calum laughs and says, "Bye!"


I'm the last stop and Mikey lets me sit in the shotgun.

"Did you two kiss?" He asked.

"No." I responded.

"What?! I suffered trying to learn how to surf for you two and nothing happened!" He shakes his head and adds, "What are we going to do with you two?"

"Mikey, we've only known each other for a week! I don't want to rush into anything and them breaking up after the first month. See you soon."


I take a shower and hop into my pajama.

I look through my social media and fall asleep in the middle of looking though my Instagram feed.

A/N: Hey Wormies,

So how's your day going? Mind just started because I like writing in the mornings and then I just do it for the rest of the day.

Not much to say this time.


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