Keep It PG

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None of us wanted to hang out because by the time every single person in Sydney caught up on sleep it was already 22:00. I just tried really hard to force myself back to sleep, but them I remembered that I'm a teenager and that won't be a problem.

I go to my bathroom and try to clear my head because right away I have a painful headache! Ugh, I just want to rip the stupid pain away.

I quickly open my bathroom cabinet and take out a washcloth and run it through some cold water. Then I walk back to my bed and place it on my forehead. Slowly, I begin to drift to sleep.


I'm sitting in the corner booth of a pizza parlor with Aria, Garret, Luke, Mikey, and Ash because we're planning everything about Cal's birthday that just around the corner.

"We should surprise him by throwing his birthday party a month after." Mikey suggested taking his fourth piece of pizza.

Luke nods and says, "Or maybe we can really surprise him and not plan it." Sarcastic Luke.

"Let's list his interests first." Aria says taking out a pen and small notebook.

We all think and come up with nothing to say.

Aria drops her pen in shock and says, "You guys really have nothing to say!?"

"He likes the bass and guitar." Ash says.

We spent an hour coming up with things and this is what we ended up having:


2) Loves futbol

3) Loves us all

4) Loves Katy Perry

"Well that's depressing." I said taking a chug of my soda. "We only have four things to work with for our best friend."

Luke rubs my back and says, "It's alright because if we weren't his best friends we wouldn't be doing this."

I think for a minute and say, "How about we have a futbol themed birthday party! Then we can have Katy Perry come! Well...maybe Katy will be hard to get, but a futbol birthday party sounds like a blast!"

Garret nods and says, "That's actually the best idea ever!"

Aria writes down my idea and asks, "Anymore ideas to add?"

Mikey claps his hands and says, "Let's make a 5SOS Fam video! We can have thousands of fans send signs saying happy birthday and all that shit them put into a video and play it!"

"MIKEY YOU ARE AWESOME!" I said clapping hoping this birthday is one he'll never forget. Plus, I don't want to forget it either because this will be my first Aussie party.

After all our brainstorming we decided to meet up again to get all the different supplies and stuff.

Luke runs up to me and asks, "Want to go on a date?"


"I was expecting a 'no.'"

"Well from everyone else I'm your girlfriend even though we've never even been a date."

"And that's why I'm asking now, but that ice skating date was fun."

"When and where?" I ask very excited because since it's Luke the possibilities are endless!

Luke thinks. "Get ready at 20:00 and I'll pick you up."

"You're very secretive."

"Only when it comes to dates."

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