They're Children

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+-The past week the guys couldn't drop me off at school becuase they had to go to the go to the studio, but I made two new friends and they would always drive me. Aria (drama kid) and Garret (art kid). But they would always pick me up to go to my place and eat my entire refridgerator.

"You have nothing to eat!" Ashton yells from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and say, "I don't do the food shopping here! Order pizza or something!" I sit on the couch and start my precalc homework.

"Hey!" Luke said sitting next to me. He looks at my sloppy handwriting and work and asks, "You take precalc!?"

I nod and apologize, "Sorry about my handwriting! I just write everything down so fast because I can't afford forgetting."

Luke laughs and says, "Wow! This is...insane! I can't do this."

"It's fine! I hate precalc, but I understand it."

Cal comes jumping in the room and sings Pizza.

1 2

1 2 3 4!

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice



Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice

Michael wants another slice



Now (ooh)



(ooh) Now

(ooh) Pizza!

I laugh try to block out Cal's yelling, but this idiot won't stop killing my ears.

Mike comes and tackles Cal to the ground and tells him to shut the hell up.

"The four of you are children." I said going back to tangents.


When the pizza comes and I'm done with homework we sit on my porch and eat pizza. This is the life here.

"So how's work all week?" I ask taking a sip of some really crappy beer.

Luke sighs and responds, "Exhausting! It's so much better hanging out with you." Of course after that complement I blush like an idiot.

Ash gags and says, "You two love birds make me sick! You can hook up in your room."

Then at the same time Luke and I say, "We're just friends."

At the right time my new friends Aria and Garret come walking over to us and sit down.

"So what did we miss?!" Aria asked grabbing a piece of pizza.

"Nothing." I said giving a death glare to Ash. Ash smiles and waves to me without a care in the world. We're just friends, I thought. "Just some crappy beer. Germany has better beer."

"Are you German?" Garret asked.

"No. My dad is in the military and before moving to New York he was stationed there and I might've had a couple beers there."

"Where is he now?' Ash asked.

I shrug and reply, "I remember him going to Iraq, but no news for six months now."

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