Homework Hatred

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We park in the front of my house and I just try not to freak out too much than I already am.

"Can we do this another day?" I ask begging to abort this entire mission. "She's already pissed and I have homework to do. Maybe you can help me and try that way."

They nod their heads and agree to my idea.

We walk inside and I hear Mum call out from th kitchen, "Eliza, is that you!?"

"No it's a burglar!" I answered.

She comes in wiping hr hands on hr apron and looks shocked to see 5SOS at her front door.

"Friends?" She asked horribly hiding her anger.

"Mum this is Mikey," Gesturing to purple haired Michael. "Luke." Pierced lip Luke. "Calum." Tatooed Calum. "And Ash." Just weird Ash.

They shake her hand and say, "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Wan."

She nods and says, "Nice to met you." Then she walks back to the kitchen without a word.

"Follow me." I instruct climbing the stairs to my room.

"Eliza!" Jasmine said running out of her room. "Everyone is talking about because of them!" She said pointing to the guys.

"Alright, now go." I said opening my bedroom door.

The five us enter my world and sit on my bed and examine each photo that I was able to hang up carefully.

"That's one of th reasons how I got in APGS." I said walking to my shoe box of pictures. "Everyday I hang up a new photo." I tape it up and add, "A million more to go."

"A million more reasons to be creative." Luke said smiling at me and of course I act like an idiot and blush.


After my loads of homework we went downstairs to have dinner with Jas and Mum.

"Good luck." I wished the guys as I opened my bedroom door.

We walk downstairs to see that Mum made pansat a Filipino dish that I love having and egg rolls. Typical of Mum to make Filipino food when I have friends over. I don't know why she does it, but she's been always doing it.

"What is that?" Ash whispered into my ear.

"Filipino food! You'll love it!" I said sitting down at the table that can seat ten people.

Mom sets the plates and silverware down while we just talk about how much homwork they gave me.

"Keep complaining and I'll pull you out." Mum joked.

"Haha." I said scooping a blob of pansat on my plate.

The lads just look at the three of us devore this and I say, "Just try it. It's not alive."

They scoop some and just eat it in one bite.

Mum didn't hate the lads that much and she said, "It was a pleasure to meet you four."

"Same to you." Calum said taking a bite on an egg roll.

Jasmine smiles and asks them, "You don't mind if I can get an autograph to sell right?"

Luke laughs and says, "Nah. We do this all the time."


"I don't think she hates you anymore." I said sitting in a circle with the lads in my front lawn.

"They warm up to us." Mikey said flipping his purple hair in the wind.

Calum checks his phone and says, "It's almost 22:00 we should start going now. Bye Ms. Creativity."

"Bye!" I said watching them pile into the car.

They're pretty carzy, but they're my kind of crazy.


Mum sits at on the corner of my bed and apologizes, "Sorry I misjudged them. They're very kind and welcoming."

"They were my first friends here so I'm pretty grateful for them." I said kicking the blaket off me because I was overheating.

"Night Eliza."

"Night, night." I said closing my eyes.

A/N: Hey Wormies,

This was a really short chapter, but it was mainly around how the bridge (Eliza) kind of made peace between her mum and 5SOS. They're you have it!

If you haven't had pasat at all you have to try it! You don't live until you tried pansat! It's on My Favorite Foods list. I just started it right now.


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