Dorks in the Cabin

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We spent an hour trying to unpack everything because you had Mr. Clifford with big, clumsy feet trip and sprain his ankle so that was time consuming.

"Make sure you don't fall again." Aria said walking a ice pack over to Mikey.

He takes it and sighs in relief of the cold feeling. "I'll try not to." He laughs then says, "Garret, this is a really nice nice."

"Like Cabin In The Woods?" Ash asked smirking.

Calum plugs his ears and says, "Lalala, I hate that horror movie."

I laugh and say, "You can't even call that a horror movie! That movie sucked and I know it did so much because I didn't even see the ending, plus it was too confusing with those people in the white lab coats." I look around in search for Jas, Sam and Kyle. "Where are those three fourteen year old kids we're supposed to be watching?"

Aria looks around then explains, "I think Luke is out there with them catching fireflies or something." She smiles then says, "Well I'm going to go swim in that lake outside because the night is bright and I want to cool off after that hot ride in the car."

"I'm with ya sister!" Cal said getting up.

Ash, Mikey, Garret, and I follow and head to our rooms to change into our swimsuits.

We walk out of the cabin to see Luke, Jas, Sam, and Kyle running around with the right little bugs flying around them to shine light in the dark.

The six of us walk over o the lake and run into the freezing cold water.

"SHIT THIS IS COLD!" We all said in unison, but we stayed until we got used to the temperature and started to swim around.

I swim around, feeling my wavy hair under water and having splash fight with Mikey who is getting now red hair dye in the water.

"God, it looks like a period." Ash said cringing.

Aria splashes water at him and says, "Shut up, we have to deal a week of that suffering!"

"We admire you because of that." Garret said, jockingly.

Jas runs to the edge of the lake and yells, "Eliza! Luke says we can start a fire, but with your permission first because Luke doesn't want to get slapped by you!"

I laugh and reply, "Don't burn yourself!"

She laughs then runs over to them and they all jump up and down in excitement.

We all stand there in an awkward silence and then get out to help Luke and the kids with the fire get ready.

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