Luke's POV

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A/N: Hey Wormies,

I know I do these at the end of every chapter but I wanted to tell you that I hope you enjoy Luke's first and most likely the last (sadly) POV!

Now let's cut to the story now!

Before I forget I want to dedicate this chapter to @smokinluke for my amazing new book cover!

Thank you darling!



I lay by my window struggling to write a new song. Each time we write a song we pick two names out of a hat to sit at home for long hours of silence. Those two suckers were me and Mikey.

"So how's Eliza holding up?" I ask him.

I looks up from his sheet music and says, "Don't know, you're her boyfriend."

"That must suck to live most of your life a lie."

"It really is,"

I play around my guitar and then say, "Can we pick up where we left off tomorrow?"

"Sure, so that means we pick up from the title of the song." Mikey said gathering his stuff together.

As I sit at home reading about the life cycle of a turtle for Ashton I hear the doorbell.

"Luke can you go get that?!" I hear Mum yell from across the hallway.

I get up, walk downstairs and open the door to see Ms. Creativity drenched in water.

"What happened?!" I asked leading her inside from the cold air.

She shakes her head and says, "Not all Australians are nice when they see a girl walking her bike on they sidewalk by a puddle."

I nod trying hard not to laugh.

"Shut up!" She said playfully shoving me.

"So why did you come?-Not that I don't want you but why?"

"I really don't know." She said rubbing her eyes. "I just thought if I came I would have words but nothing came."

"We'll first let's get you out these wet clothes because your going to get sick."

I lead upstairs and let her borrow a pair of sweats I have.

"You're an awesome boyfriend." She pecked my lips and headed to the bathroom.

When she comes out I look at her and speak, "You came to ask me to help find your dad?"


"Then why did I find these forms to try to find leads to your dad?" I asked holding them up from her purse.

Ms. Creativity laughs and says, "It's a dead dream. He left when I was two and Jas was just born, why do I want to see him now?"

I walk over and reply, "Because it's only human to know the answers. And I'll help you find him."


"Because this is the right thing to do and I will do anything."

"You really don't have to do this."

"I want to!" I look in her purse, find her phone and ask, "Know any relatives that might have answers?"

She takes her phone and begins to dial.

"Hey Grandma!" She said excitedly.

Grandma: Eliza! How's Australia?! I hear you got an accent!

Eliza: Beautiful! I just love it!

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