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I sit in my room lookimg at different flight dates to go to London in June.

''Hey Eliza,'' Mum said poking her headin my room.

I shut mylaptop and ask, ''What's up?''

She sighs and comes over to sit at the edge of my unmade bed.

"Look I'm sorry I lied about all these years of your life."

I roll my eyes. "It's totally fine!"

She sighs and says, "What's going to help make it up to you? Eliza, I so sorry I lied-"

"Then why did you even lie to us in the beginning!? What did you think that us knowing that he left was going to change us!?"

Mum begins to gain etars in her eyes and says without her voice cracking, "I just thought it would've made your life a little easier and more normal."

"Sure, because in the near by future it's normal to know that your own mother lied for sixteen years of your life about you real dad being here and in the army." I try to say without yelling like a freak.

Mum sighs again and says, "I just didn't want you to think that was just...I'm sorry Eliza."

I wave her off and say, "I really don't need your bullshit right now so just go."


"So I guess you're night close to excepting her mistake?" Aria asked taking a sip of her coffee.

I shake my head and reply, "Let's see after I visit my dad, my real dad."

Aria shakes her head and says, "Why do you want to see the guy that left you?"

That was the question that tipped me over from wanting to visit my dad after that. Why did I want to see him? Because I wanted to meet him or because it was to find some proof to make my mom have the guilt of the secret weight on her shoulders forever? I never thought it mattered until I realized that I need to have some reason why I want to see him.

She has her eyebrows raised and asks, "Why do you want to meet your father that left you?"

"I really don't know."

Her kind smile warms me and says, "Cancel the flight and have a dinner with your mom without having the urge to strangle her." She taps my shoulder and gets up to get another cup of coffee.

My phone buzzes to a text from Luke.

Luke: Are you sure about London?

Me: I think I'll cancel everything and we can go camping for spring break.

Luke: I like that idea.

Me: You're the best boyfriend ever.

Luke: I know.

Me: Don't get too cocky there, Hemmings.

Luke: Do I still get my kisses?

Me: You're such a dork. Got to go because I'm hanging out with Aria as we speak.

Luke: Tell her I say hi.

Me: Bye Luke.

Luke: Bye Ms. Creativity.

Aria comes back with her cup of coffee and guesses, "Luke?"

"The one and only."

"You two are so cute together. Did you guys come clear to the public?" She asked taking a bite out of a sugar cookie.

I bite my bottom lip and confess, "Well I think they know he's taken, but I don't think they know it's me or if it's official."

Aria nods then says, "Well Calum told me they're having an interview in two weeks right after we get out of class so you want to see if he confesses?"

"Sure, why not?"

We sit back in the hard wooden seats and begin to talk about what are we going to do about prom that it only a month and a half away!


Taking my coat of I walk quietly into the living room to see Mom with her elbows on her knees watching 'Love It or List It'.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her shoulders gently with kindness. "Sorry I've been a bitch lately."

"So when are you leaving for London?" She asked hugging me back. I question her with my face and she responds, "1) You don't close your tabs and 2) you also don't close your laptop screen. Usually, that's something teenagers master quickly."

"Sorry I didn't appreciate you enough about rasising us by yourself."

"Sorry I kept that secret for all those years."

"It's alright."

"So what are you going to do spring break?"

"The lads plus Aria have been thinking about heading to Garret's families cabin in the woods. It's only a two hour drive from where we are."

"Sounds like fun! Oh, could you please Jasmine and her two friends because I need a little break from all this hustle and bustle."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll ask if she wants to come (most likely she will and her friends) then we'll leave March 28 and come back April 4."

"Alrightly. You should go have some rest because dinner is going to take awhile and you look tired." Mom points out then walks in the kitchen.

I turn the TV off and head upstairs to practice an instrument that can make your fingers bleed like hell.


I walk down the stairs in my jean shorts and old black tshirt with my camping bag with a tent, water, phone, charger, book, snacks, flashlight, clothes and all that.

Jasmine follows after me with hers and we start to head out the door to see hers friends Sam and Kyle waiting with the lads and Aria.

"There you two are!" Mikey said rushing over and helping us with three duffel bags and a cooler. "Better be beer in here." He said carrying it to the Jeep.

Luke greets me in a hug and he walks me to the back where we all try to squish in and ended up having me on Luke's lap, Jas on Cal's, Sam on Aria's Mikey squished in the side with Kyle on his lap and then Ash is in the shot gun and Garret it driving.

"You lucky bastards." Aria said trying to find a comfy spot which there wasn't.

The ride contained a lot of pulling over and switching spots and loud music to go along with it. Shockingly, we didn't get pulled over about our seatbelts, but every cop has to let it slide every once in a while.

When we finally reached the cabing the first thing we did was jump out and begin to up pack and carrying everything into the cabin.

A/N: Hey Wormies,



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