Wrestle with Koalas or Kick Box with Kangaroos?!

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It was just two days before Cal's birthday and we have everything done but the cake.

"What do you mean you can't make us a cake!?" Luke asked, voice full of anger.

The lady on the counter checks her calendar and says, "Sir, we're already have many cakes to bake and we won't have time for yours." Then she turns and walks back to the kitchen.

I hug his shoulders and say, "This is why no one goes to get cake at Jewel."

We walk out and begin to ask Siri for some really close bakery's.

Siri is thinking and pulled up on only two miles away!

"Let's go get some cake!" Luke and I cheer.


"What the bloody hell happened to you two?" Jas asked Luke and I covered in cake followed in by Mum.

Mum glares at me and says, "Let's just say that when you get mad at the baker for not giving you cake you don't punch him and start throwing cake everywhere, I'm just saying."

Luke kisses my lips and says, "You look great in red velvet!"

I take a cherry from my head and place it on his nose. "Perfect!"

Jas nods, "Thank you for your wise words mother."

Mum hands us both a wet washcloth and tells us to wash up. "Make sure you don't get the house dirty with cake!" She tells us walking into the kitchen.

I turn to Luke and explain, "That means we clean up in my bathroom."

We walk up the stairs making sure we don't get cake everywhere. I look at myself in the mirror and laugh my head off.

Luke hugs my waist, "We look good!" He pulls his iPhone out and snaps a picture, "For your daily picture wall."

"I love these stupid days we have together."

"The perks of dating me."

"And there are always down sides."

"Like what?!"

"When you have to go for a while."

"I know my love, I know." He kisses the space between my eyes then starts laughing like a five year old. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He apologizes trying to catch his breath.

I smile and ask, "What's so funny."

"I just can't kiss someone covered I cake again without laughing!"

"Fuck you."

"Swear jar!" Luke said extending his arm out.

I give him a high five and say, "I'm terribly sorry I don't give a shit about what I say."

He starts cleaning the cake off my face smiling. "You sometimes have no filter at all."

"I guess I'm very candor."

"So are you excited for your first Aussie party?!"

"I guess..."

"It gets pretty crazy."

"Don't tell you guys kick box with kangaroos."

"No we wrestle with koalas."

Once we're cake free Jas, Mum, Luke and I order Chinese food and watch some movies on the couch.


Calum's party was starting in just four hours and we're already freaking out.

"Calm down Aria, we have everything set...but the cake! I don't think he's going to mind the giant ice cream blob in the freezer." Mikey said comforting Aria, who is having a panic attack.

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