New Years Eve With Blink 182

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It was New Years Eve and I got dressed to meet Luke's family for the first time, but it's not a big deal to Mum because she knows them already! Now I have all the pressure because I might be dating their son and my mother knows them better than I do.

I get dressed and walk down the stairs where Mum and Jas are waiting for me to go to the Hemmings.

"It's about time!" Jas said fixing her purple dress.

Mum is wearing a black dress with a cool red belt. Wait. That's MY red belt. Whatever, but if she ruins it... I'll just leave it like that.

"Let's go!" Mum said grabbing her coat. She grabs a giant thing of pansat and ube. Every New Years we always eat that and we're carrying on with the tradition! I'm happy because I remember back when I first met the lads we had that and they loved it!

We get set and get in the car and Mum doesn't need my help to find their house because she's already been there.

"Ready!?" Mum asked parking the car by the curb.

Jas nods and says, "Let's go!" She turns to me and says, "Remember when you used to go to Times Square ever New Years with your friends?"

I laugh and reply, "That was awesome, but Australia doesn't have anything cool like that."

We walk up to their door and Mum rings their doorbell. Luke appears and welcomes us in. He takes our coats and leads us to their family rooms where his mum Liz, dad Andrew, and brother Ben. His other brother Jack is celebrating in Melbourne and couldn't come.

"You look ravishing, Ms. Creativity." Luke said kissing my cheek. He was the only person wearing casual clothes with his skinny jeans and Blink 182 shirt.

I look up and down at Luke, "You too, I guess."

"You're just jealous!"

Liz sees us laughing and asks Luke, "Luke, is this the girl you always talk about?!"

I smile at Luke and ask, "Is it?"

He laughs and answers, "Mum, this is Eliza. Eliza, this is my mum Liz."

I shake hands with Liz and say, "Nice to meet you."

Liz smiles and says, "Nice to meet you, Eliza." She looks at Luke then back at me and asks, "So are you two dating?!"

"Liz!" Andrew said laughing. "Give the kids a break! Sorry Eliza, but Liz likes to question about everything! Come sit!"

Liz puts her hands on her hips and says, "Well he bought her that beautiful bracelet!"

I blush and examine the bracelet with the guitar charm. I can't stop wearing it!

Luke blushes in embarrsment and says, "Let's bring up another topic."

Ben smiles and asks, "How about that snow we're having?"

We all sit in the living room talking and laughing.

I talk to Liz about my whole move and how I'm adjusting to APGS.

"That's amazing!" Liz said smiling. She turns to Luke who's laughing with Jas and leans in and whispers, "You know he won't shut up about you! I haven't seen him this amazed by a person in my whole life!"

I laugh and say, "Neither have I."


When it was around 18:00 we go to their kitchen to have a super late dinner.

The entire dinner table was covered with food! There was chicken wings, panset, ube, egg rolls, pea and ham soup, emu, anzac biscuits, fish and chips, barbecued snags, and so much more! If I eat a bite of each dish I would last until next Thanksgiving.

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