Chapter 2 Dammit Eli! Flame

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I walked down the hallway before the bell rang to find my locker. Then found out that I was next to Eli. Ugh. I know he's my friend, but he talks about girls too much. Like, way too much. Constantly. Brakes awkward silences with gossip about how hot girls are.

Seriously, dude! don't you have a life?

Anyway, I found my locker and organized my stuff. I looked around to see where Aqua's locker was and hers was way far away from mine.

I sighed in relief and looked around again. Everyone was heading to their classes. I quickly. Ever so quickly grabbed my sword in its brace and attached it to my pant leg.

See, recently, before this school started, and after Aqua was safe from the FBI, I discovered that I had a secret. It wasn't very likely though. I found out that I'm not made of fire.

Sure I'm still a fire elemental. But I'm not made of fire. I actually don't have flaming hair and orange fiery skin. It was all a mistake when I was born. I'm actually half human. Yeah I can still live in Elumenal. I can still cause fire powers though. But I actually have short black hair with slight bangs. And my skin is normal.

Aqua's skin is tan. And mine is a normal color. She's kinda quarter human.

So today I was wearing black. All black. Black cape. Black pants. Black shirt. Black sword and sword brace. I was all black. Except for my skin.

Aqua has two sword braces on her back and I have one on my side. My hip. Just above my left leg.

Just as I was gonna walk to my music class, Eli came up to me. "Hey man! I, like, never see you around here, man!" he says 'man' a lot. "Why don't you ever come and see me, dude? hangin' out with your girlfriend too much? ha! you say she's only your best friend. But what about me? why can't I be your best friend, huh? what'd I ever do to you?" he carried on his blabbering until he said this. And I snapped.

"I saw you kiss her at the beach party. I think you guys are more than friends. Jeez. If you guys are more than friends, than why can't I be your best friend---"

At that, I whipped out my sword and it was two inches away from his neck. "FYI. We are not more than friends. And you aren't my friend cuz all you talk about is girls. Girls! girls! girls! How cute they are. Their boobs. Their butts. That's it!! you never say anything to compliment anyone unless its a girl. And you tried to kill me once. You just wanna hoard all the girls for yourself. And you want all the popularity. That's why we will never. Never. Never be friends." And I left him standing there against the wall as I went to music class.

I sat down in one of the orange chairs and waited for the teacher. We had a new teacher and everything. It was actually kinda cool.

I sat down just as Aqua walked in. I didn't think she had music class. I thought she had academics or some crap.

She was gonna walk over and sit by Terry, but noticed my reaction to Eli sitting next to me.

She came over. "Eli?'' she asked sweetly. "Wanna sit by Terry?"

Eli beamed at this comment and dashed over to Terry.

Then Aqua sat down next to me and I could feel my cheeks blushing.

'Hey. If you kiss her again, you won't burn her. Cuz of what you discovered. You never could've burned her. You are actually a human element. It'd be different if Flair kissed Oscar. She would've burned him. And luckily, they're just friends.'

Man. My thoughts sure can be strange, but they were right this time.

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