Chapter 26: Surprise! Aqua

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I finished making the hot chocolate and sat down next to Flame on the couch.

It was really silent and awkward for about ten minutes. We didn't talk at all.

Then I finally spoke up. "Flame?" I asked casually, but looked the other way.

"Mmm?" he responded, mouth full of the hot chocolate I made for him.

Currently, it was almost summer out and getting close to the fabulous two months away from the torturous school.

"Summer sure is comin' up fast, huh?" I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Mmhmm..." He swallowed the hot chocolate and looked at me. "You got plans?"

"No. Not really. I guess I'm just gonna be by myself the woke break..." my eyes rolled over, looking at Flame, expressionless.

"...What?" he laughed a little bit.

"Do yooooouuu have plans?" I asked.

"Nah. I think I'm just gonna play the new video games I got. Get all caught up on bein' a gamer, ya know?" he took another gulp of hot chocolate and swallowed it, finishing it all.

Then Flame got up and rinsed it out in the sink. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I was wooondering if you wanned to hang out, but I guess not..." I trailed off, smirking as I went.

Then the cup drop in the sink, making a loud clang, but not sounding like it broke.

"Are you okay---" I began to speak but he cut me off.

"How about we hang out then?..." he sounded kinda surprised, but emotionless.

"O-okay... Hey, do you mind showing me what your video games are like?" I stuttered at first, but then spoke clearly, getting a legit idea.

"...Really?" now Flame sounded kinda casual again. "Cuz I have one of them that I think you'd absolutely love..."

I blushed. I don't know why, but when Flame says the word Love, it makes my heart flutter. "s...sure..."

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