Chapter 12 Guys?: Aqua

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"Okay." I gathered some of my friends in a circle at school on December 12th. The day after I got dad's note. "My dad... he wanted me to go down to earth for a year or so. It's only for bringing back some hidden elementals who are afraid of being caught."

My friends all started talking to each other at the same time. Except for Flame.

"Shut up!" I yelled. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. "Okay. I get it. It's earth. It's dangerous. For glob sake, guys." I made eye contact with everyone. Even Flame.

"Look, my dad said that I could bring a family member or a couple of friends. I wanted to ask you all if anyone was interested." I looked at everyone's confused but yet normal faces.

"I'll go!" Eli yelled from behind me.

I fell back in surprise. "Jeez. You couldn't have tapped my shoulder first?"

He shrugged. "Meh."

"Well, fine. If you wanna come thats just fine with me. Anyone else?"

"I'll go too." Flame spoke calmly and raised his right hand.

"Okay. Is that all?" I looked around at everyone else.

"Me! me!" Oscar was jumped up and down and laughing. "I wanna see more human babes!! hahahah!!"

"You and me both, buddy." Eli high-fived Oscar and they both laughed.

I looked around. "How about any girls?"

"Uhm... I guess I'll go if you're my room mate. Is that Okay?" Terry said shyly.

"Alright!" I said punching the air. "That's fine with me! hahah!!"

Later that day, we all packed our stuff and went to the enchanter station.

The Enchanter station is where Mr. Bartler, the enchanter, enchants us with a special power. For a price that is.

When we got there, No one was there except Mr. Bartler.

I got in line and everyone followed. I was first, so it was a good deal.

Mr. Bartler looked up at me, about to say his normal everyday lines. But when he saw me, his expression changed.

"Aqua Kombat! So nice to see you, how have you been since... never mind. Anyway, how can I help you this fine evening?"

"I need you to enchant us with a 'looks spell'. We need to all look like humans. My father.... gave me a mission down to earth. And we can't go down as elementals."

"Alright." Mr. Bartler looked into my eyes as he talked to me. "For how long? A week? a month?"

"Uhm... a year or more." I answered.

His face lit up as he got excited.

He pulled us all into his little shack and started casting magic on us.


A few minutes later, he gave us each a mirror.

I looked at everyone in surprise.

Terry had orange hair and a dark chocolate coloured skin.

Eli was very pale with spiky blond hair. Not as long, though.

Oscar had light brown hair and tanned skin.

Flame had black hair and his normal skin. He didn't really change, other than the flickering in his hair.

I looked in the mirror and was really shocked at how much hair colour can change how you look.

I had long, light brown hair and tanned skin. Just like Oscar.

Except when a breeze blew in, my hair went to the side and I noticed how freaking long it was. Then I saw streak in my hair. It was the same colour of my natural hair. It was under all my hair, so you couldn't see it when I just normally walked.

My hair was passed my feet when the breeze stopped. I looked down at my feet, and it was just a trail behind me.

I quickly gathered it up and held it all in my arms. "Uh, Mr. Bartler? can I get a hair tie? like a really stretchy scrunchy maybe?"

He gave me a black scrunchy and I flipped my head over. "Terry? Brush!"

She quickly handed me her pink brush and I combed my hair in front of me. Then I put it in a high pony tail. But when I flipped it up again, it still touched the ground.

So, I tried to create an icy pair of scissors in my hands but when nothing happened, I was really confused.

"Ah. Yes. The twist to the enchantment, I'm sorry, is that you cannot use your element powers. Though, you do have a hidden power instead. But you'll have to find it when you're on earth." Mr. Bartler handed me a pair of scissors.

"But, Aqua. You can't cut the blue streak. It's your life source. If it gets cut at all, you get weaker and weaker every minute. Just be careful."

I nodded and then I gave the scissors back. "How about a really sharp knife instead."

Mr. Bartler looked concerned, but shrugged and handed me his pocket knife.

"Heh. You could cut down a tree with a clean cut with just one swipe if you used that knife."

Then I noticed that the blue streak only went down about halfway through my hair. So I levelled it out and sliced off the super soft hair right under it.

I had bangs, just like my actual hairstyle.

Now my hair went halfway down my calves.

I held the pocket knife in front of Mr. Bartler and he took it.

I pulled out a black fabric ribbon from my pocket and put it in a bow in my hair. Then I pulled out the scrunchy and gave it to

Mr. Bartler.


The next day started very quickly. I grabbed my stuff and went to the hill where the mushroom was. Everyone was waiting for me and Oscar.

He and I made it to the top and I chanted the password as everyone touched my arm.

We vanished and went through the portal to earth.

Brace yourself earth, you'd better be ready for Aqua Kombat and her little friends.

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