Chapter 22 Terry's first kiss: Flame

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School started pretty quickly and we all went back to our work as we should.

You know, the funny part, was that when Aqua's dad sent her here, he didn't even say "make sure to get good grades" or anything like that.



It kinda makes sense though.

I mean, it's not like we're gonna become something on earth or anything, right? Ha! But still, pretty careless, huh?

As the first ten days went by, it became Tuesday. It was the games subject.


Games subject: the games subject comes right at the end of the day. It's when everyone chooses a game and everyone has to participate. It could go from soccer, to crafts. Fighting(obviously with protection) to boardgames. As long as it gets done with.


All of us were in it. Me, Aqua, Oscar, Terry, and Eli.

So when that last subject came along, this is what happened...

"Okay students," Miss Edge started, "what game would we like to play today?"

We were all sitting in a small circle. Me, Aqua, Terry, Eli, and Oscar were spread out between other students.

One random girl spoke up. "How about tag?"

"No!" a random boy said. "We did that last week."

A shorter girl, in a shy voice said "how about truth-or-dare?"

Everyone thought for a minute.

"Yeah. That's new."


"Sure. Why not?"

"Anyone disagree?"




"Lets do truth-or-dare!"


So we ended up playing truth-or-dare.

I mean, yeah, it wasn't really my favorite game, but I think it's good to try new things.

I looked over at Aqua. She was surprisingly nervous looking.

Her face was red and she was hugging her knees. Then she buried her face in them.

We started and a few kids went.

Then one girl asked me.

"Flame. Truth or dare?" she asked. I think her name was Jezebel.

"Uh..... truth." I answered.

"Okay... uh,... there were some rumours going around about you and Aqua getting together. Is that ever gonna happen?"

I couldn't answer.

My face got hot and I couldn't move.

I didn't know if it was gonna happen. I looked at Aqua and she read my thoughts.

'Close her mouth with your powers please I don't wanna answer.'

Aqua understood and I say a wavy shining bubbly thing go around her hand that was on the ground.

Instantly, Jezebel's mouth stopped. She struggled to speak, but she couldn't.

Yes. She could breathe. Aqua wouldn't kill a rat. But yeah she'd kill bugs like spiders and mosquitoes.

It was my turn. "Uhm... Eli. Truth or dare?"

He smirked. "Dare."

"Okay. I dare you to tell me who you have a crush on and you have to kiss her." I said.

Everyone starts making an 'oooooo' sound and Eli blushes.

Terry also blushes.

"Uh... p-pass." Eli stutters.

"Nope. No passes. You gotta do it." I reply.

Eli looks at Terry. And she looks back at him.

"Terry?" he says quietly.

They sit close together. This is probably Terry's first kiss, so Eli tries to make it romantic.

Eli brushes his fingers through Terry's bright orange hair and pulls her closer, bringing her in for a kiss.

She closes her eyes and so does Eli. Their lips touch and it's official. They kissed.

About five or six seconds after, Terry pulls away, covering her mouth like she said something terrible.

Eli slowly opens his eyes. Then he smirks. "Hmm." He chuckles lightly. "Your a good kisser..."

As soon as he stops saying that, all the girls start screaming in joy.

Terry's face turns almost glowing red.

I close my eyes, cross my arms and smirk. "Your welcome." I whisper.

"Thank you." Eli whispers back.

(Only we can do that. If i whisper something, only he can hear it. We've been doing that even since grade 4.)

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