Chapter 20 Christmas Aqua

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It became morning very slowly.

You wouldn't even know how long I just stared at the damn ceiling.

But as soon at morning came, I got up, put on a pink tank top, dark blue comfy pants and put my hair in a ponytail.

I opened my bedroom door and walked out while wiping sleep from my one eye.

As soon as I got a whiff of French toast I felt wide awake.

I looked into the kitchen and saw Terry and Oscar cooking together.

"Morning..." I said craggily.

"G'morning, girl." Terry said in an exciting tone. "You sure slept. Usually you'd be cookin' since you're awesome at it, but that's okay this morning. We gotcha covered."

"Thanks. Why is Oscar here though?" I asked.

"I got confused on how to make this. So I asked your bro." Terry answered.

Then I felt the urge to tease her. "Eli can cook too you know."

I closed my eyes, crossed my arms and turned sideways. Then I opened one eye to see her.

Terry's face was almost glowing red. I swear I saw steam rise from her head.

"Uh... Terry?" Oscar looked confused. "You ok?"

"Oh yeah sure. Definitely. Why wouldn't I be? ha! it's Christmas for goodness sake. Jeez. Heheheh...." Terry answered, obviously trying to fake it.

Right then, I hear a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I hear flame saw quickly. "We got presents."

I go to open the door and we all come into us girls' living room. Well, me, Flame, and Eli, that is.

Soon, Terry and Oscar finish cooking and we eat breakfast.

After we washed the plates, we all sat In a circle, a bit spread out from each other.

Then we put a plastic root beer bottle in the middle and spun it. (Here's how it works,...

-spin the bottle.

-who ever it points at when it stops, has to spin it again.

-after the bottle stops the second time, whoever it points at, the first person has to give them their present.

So yeah.) It was me, Oscar, Terry, Eli, and then Flame. That's how the seating went.

Eli spun it first. It pointed back at him when it was done spinning. Then he spun it again and it landed at Terry.

Terry blushed as Eli handed her the small gift.

When she opened it, her eyes sparkled.

She opened a tiny box and lifted out a necklace. It had a gold chain with a long emerald gem at the bottom.

I thought I heard her screaming in joy when she looked at it.

She undid the clip as Eli helped her put it on.

Her curly orange hair fell behind her into place and she smiled. "T-thanks, Eli."

Eli blushed.

Later, it became evening and we were all still in our pj's spinning the bottle.

I was last. Flame was also last to give his to me.

Do we didn't spin the bottle at the end. He just blushed a little and handed me a small box.

I pulled the light pink ribbon on it and was about to open the dark blue wrapping, when Flame spoke up.

"It's similar to the present Eli gave Terry. I... actually have two gifts for you." His cheeks were now super red.

I smiled. "Don't worry about it. I like presents." I giggled.

I opened it and just stared at it.

In awe.

Flame also gave me a necklace.

It had a sparkling silver chain and little blue sapphires on the chain going downwards, getting slightly bigger as they went.

At the bottom of it, was a diamond in the shape of a rain drop. I looked carefully inside the diamond and found light blue colours scattered inside.

I almost cried at how beautiful it was.

"Flame..." I said. "It's beautiful..."

"It... uh,... it was super expensive.... They're all real." Flame responded.

He helped me put it on and I adjusted it.

I looked at Flame after and he just stared at it. It must've shone somehow, cuz it sparkled in his bright reddish brown eyes.

He gave me the last gift and I opened a tiny bit of the corner.

Then I got a whiff of something that reminded me of my younger years.

Chocolate almonds?

I opened the wrapping quickly but carefully.

Then I saw a brownish red box with a fabric red ribbon tied in a bow around it.

I undid the bow and lifted the lid off.


Chocolate almonds alright.

I saw a pink piece of paper on top of them that read,...

Merry Christmas, Aqua. ~Flame.

I covered my mouth.

I don't know why, but eyes just started to water.

"Aqua?" Terry put a hand on my shoulder. "Aqua, you alright?"

I nodded my head.

Then the watering eyes stopped and I put a chocolate almond in my mouth.

As soon as the flavour spread in my mouth, I was in heaven.

"Mmmmmmm..." I said, swaying slowly. "Where did you get these?"

Flame chuckled softly. "I made them."

"No way." I looked at him seriously. "Like from kindergarten?"

"Yeah." He answers.

"Oh. My. Glob." I say slowly.

Flame sighs, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah."

Then, out of nowhere, I run up to him, jumping on him and hugging him tightly, but not too tightly.

"Thank you!!!" I yell. Then I feel something on his back.

A lump.

Then I get to details. It feels like feathers.

"Flame?" I ask.


"What's on your back?"

Flame blushes. "Oh yeah."

Book 2- Aqua Kombat: When it's timeWhere stories live. Discover now