Chapter 8 This cant be happening: Aqua

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The phone hit the ground and made a big smacking noise as the pieces spread almost everywhere.

Oscar burst into my room. "Aqua, what happened? you oka---" he looked at the broken phone pieces on the floor and ran to pick them up.

He looked at me and noticed that I was in shock and wasn't moving. My hand was still by my head and I just stared straight ahead.

I must've been crying, cuz Oscar wiped something wet away right above my cheek.

Then he shook me. Once... then twice.... thrice.... so many times, but I probably blacked out.

While I was blacked out, I dreamt about the phone call.


(Dad's helper)Leroy: hello? is this this Kombat residence?

Me: yeah. Wa--- is something wrong, Leroy?

Leroy: yes there's been a terrible accident with your father.

Me: oh glob. What happened?

Leroy: when he was doing his job down on earth, by freeing some people from becoming science freaks, he was shot in the back by a laser gun and now he's....

Me: wha----

Leroy: your father is dead, Aqua. I'm sorry.

Me: **drops phone**

Leroy: hello? you okay? hellooooo? Aqua? pick up! jeez! **chssshhhh** Aqua? **chssssshhhh** hello? ***beeeeeeepp***


I sat up, gasping, as if I'd been under water and just made it to the top.

I looked around. I was in a hospital bed with a vase of five white roses beside me. Mom and Oscar were sitting beside me too, looking at me in worry.

And confusion.


"I know. I heard..." Tears started to swell up in my mom's eyes when Oscar pat her back gently.

but he didn't look at her. He looked at the ground.

"I can only imagine." He said.


Later that day, I went to where my dad used to work. His office.

There were guys at the door, guarding it.

My eyes were wet with tears, but when I looked at the men, I just glared at them.

They looked at eachother and started talking.

Guard 1: hey. Isn't that Mr. Kombat's daughter?

Guard 2: yeah,... I think she's mad. (Whispers) she's kinda scary.

Guard 1: (clears throat) uh... you're Miss Aqua Kombat, am I correct?

Me: (eyes start flaming.) (sends a message to their brain.) if I were you, I'd open up the doors to my dads office. That is, if you don't wanna get hurt badly.

Guard 1/2: (gulp)

Guard 1: (opens door)

"Thank you." I said smiling.

As I walked into the very clean office, I found some papers on my dads desk.

I picked them up, holding tears back.

Then I realized a little bit of blood on one paper... Then more on another one... and another... and one more... pretty soon almost all of them had blood on them.

This was getting creepy.

I motioned my way to the other side of my dads desk and looked underneath.

I gasped and jumped back at what I saw. Now, I let the tears flow.

A huge puddle of blood sit under the desk, making it stain the floor. Not like I cared about a stain though.

I opened up all the drawers of his desk and found a bone in one, a skull in another, blood in two of them, some guts in another one, and when I opened the last one, I found a heart with a light blue stone in the middle.

I felt like I was gonna cry a river to the other side of the world.

Dad didn't die from a laser gun.

Something or someone here killed him.

And I'm about to bust out my sword and start choppin' some heads.

Book 2- Aqua Kombat: When it's timeWhere stories live. Discover now