The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers: Ch.2

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Chapter 2

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

~John F. Kennedy
Shirhan Bishara Sirhan was an outcast to the American people.

He kept to the shadows. He was very poor but he was a bounty hunter so he was shocked when he got the call from Lyndon Baines Johnson. Either that or he was crazy.

The phone buzzed and he picked it up. "Hello?"

The eerie calm voice at the other end sent shivers up his body. The voice was not either warm or soft. It was vicious. Vicious and brutal.

"Shirhan?" The voice asked. "Bishara Sirhan?"

Shirhan found himself nodding. "That's me."

"Great." The voice smirked. "I have a job for you. It involves the Kennedys."

The mere name of the politicial family made Shirhan's blood boil. Espically the thought of Robert Kennedy.

"Yes?" He asked trying not to put the anger in his voice.

"You're aware of the time travelers aren't you?"

"Who wouldn't?" Shirhan half snarled.

"Calm down," said Johnson. "I need you to hunt down one of the many time travelers. She's one of them that won't be born until 68'."

She? Shirhan thought. How vicious could she be? Females in general weren't vicious. They could be weak and soft.

"Do not underistimate her though," the former VP warned him. "She may be 6 years of age but she proved to be quite angry when my plot was discovered."

Shirhan found himself nodding. "Yes, sir."

"Also," Johnson continued a bit off topic. "I have heard you bare a mutual hatred for Bobby Kennedy. Do you?"

Shirhan almost was in shock. He'd kept the hatred a secret. "Ummm, yes sir."

"Good." The former seemed satisfied. "Once we get the child, we will make sure Kennedy comes to us. That will lead to President Kennedy's downfall."


Rory was awake.

She scrambled off the bed and rushed toward her parent's room. Ethel and Bobby were both asleep. Ethel was also naked like they made love the day before. Rory jumped on the bed. She poked her father.

"Dad!" She pouted. "Dad, come on. Wake up!"

Bobby groaned in protest. "Bobby," Ethel murmured. "Your daughter. She's awake."

Bobby didn't open his eyes. "She's all yours."

She pounced on her dad but that sent her tumbling across the room. She scrambled to her feet full of energy and charged, slamming into him. He opened his eyes quickly and saw her staring at him from the side of the bed, her eyes full of anger.

"You promised!" She spoke raplidy.

Bobby yawned. "Okay, Rory. I'm up." He was shirtless and she could see how her mother had told her that he was fuzzy all over.

Ethel came off the bed too rubbing her eyes. She walked beside Bobby as he followed Rory outside. She was so hyper, it looked like she'd drank a half can of coke.

Bobby was quiet as he followed Rory around. The daughter he never knew was dashing around with excitement. At one point, she climbed on one of the horses. Bobby had to help her up and steady her so she couldn't fall.

The horse had been chewing some grass. It was startled as Rory put her bottom on him but it didn't do anything. It just chortled.

"Can you handle this?" Rory was startled. Bobby had been very quiet. He was shy and quiet to other people, even strangers. She smiled and nodded.

She cracked on the horse pedals and the horse shrieked loudly, dashing toward the obstacle. Bobby was startled and he had to run after her and the horse raced through the obstacles. At one point, Rory was knocked off her feet and she flew towards the ground. Bobby ran up to her and it looked like she was crying but she was laughing.

"Don't do that again," Bobby said to her sternly but he was smiling.

She put her pouty voice on. "Daaaaaddddd!"

He lifted her up and pushed her against the grass. He started tickling her and her face turned red from the laughter.

"No, stop!" She was begging him. Bobby continued to mess with her until she finally gave up and he gave a noogie between the ears and she giggled.

After a few minutes of messing with her, they went inside. Rory was sweating from her forehead and she was grinning.

"Get in the shower," Bobby told her. She nodded and dashed upstairs.

Bobby sat down in the chair. Rory seemed fun and hyper, too hyper he told himself. She was eager to run into things but she seemed like a good daughter.

He was getting attached to her. And that was a good thing. He smiled broadly at the thought.

But, a voice whispered inside his head, there's still Johnson to deal with. What if he gets her? What if he kills her?

Bobby shook the thought off and went outside to relax some more.

Well now you know who the bounty hunter is 😆
And I made a cute father/daughter scene 💖 what did you guys think of that?

Sorry slow update I forgot to save last time and it didn't save and I had to start all over 😡
Please review! 💕

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