The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers Ch.9

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Chapter 9

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."

~John F. Kennedy


Kara tore recklessly through the undergrowth of Hickory Hill.

She was aware of Luci gasping for breath behind her. The air was cold outside and Kara felt as if her lungs were on fire. She stumbled over a broken branch but Kathleen caught her as she fell. "Come on!" She snapped.

They stopped at the exit of the trees. Luci was leaning agaisnt one of the trees for support. The smell of burned bread hit Kara's nostrils. She charged toward the compound.

The door was unlocked which was odd. Bobby would always keep the door closed. She opened the door. "Something's burning," she told Luci. "Find out what it is." She nodded and took off toward the kitchen.

Kara and the other searched the house. She paused at the living room and her heart sank when she saw her uncle, Robert Kennedy, lying on the floor. He was out cold. She ran up to him and knelt beside him.

"Uncle," she said hoarsely, "wake up."

Bobby didn't move. He didn't twitch either.

She heard Kathleen gasp behind her. "Dad!" She exclaimed. She ran up to Bobby and nudged his arm. Bobby didn't move still.

"Dad!" Kathleen's eyes were shining with alarm. "Please wake up!"

She hit his cheek softly but Bobby still didn't move. "Get him on the bed!" She snapped at Kara. David came in. He was staring wide eyed at his father.

"And get David out of here!" Kathleen was panicked. "I don't want another drunken brother." Kara nodded and forced David out of the room. Luci, who'd come back, said there was burned bread in the kitchen. She had sprayed water on it just to make sure it didn't catch on fire. But when she saw Bobby, the blood drained from her face.

"This is my fault," the teenager said. She kneeled beside the attorney general. "If I had caught Dad from trying to kill the president, I could have stopped him..." She was crying openly now.

Kathleen told Kara to go get Ethel on the phone. Ethel was at the beach when it happened. She had come back, her face pale as a sheet. And her expression had turned more horrified when she realized Rory was not with Bobby.

Luci looked into her eyes. "Mrs. Kennedy, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. They got Rory. I'm sorry."

Ethel didn't say a word.


15 minutes before:

Rory resisted every moment of the capture.

She dove under Shirhan's legs trying to find her way out but Shirahn sent her flying face first into the wall. She screamed as she felt blood trickle from her lips. The bounty hunter slammed her agaisnt the wall for the pleasure of it.

"Let go!" She begged him. "I know how to fight. I mean it!" He still didn't let go. She stared at her father's limp figure with nothing but horror in her blue eyes.

"I'm glad no else is home," he sneered. "This is just too easy!"

Rory was still aware of the blood trailing down her face. She grunted as Shirhan picked her up. He put a gag around her mouth so she couldn't scream. She knew her mother was out on the beach. If she could scream...

Shirhan carried her to a dark alley. She coughed out blood. This was bad, she told herself. Coughing out blood. Tears threatened to break free any minute. A Kennedy doesn't cry, Rory told herself. Kennedy's don't cry.

She was thrown to the ground like a broken toy. She groaned and looked up into the eyes of her captor. She immedialty wished she hadn't.

"Why isn't it Rory Kennedy." Lyndon B. Johnson acknowledged her with a smile on his face.

Her eyes widened with sheer anger. "Y-y-y-you killed Uncle Jack! In another life!" She was screaming out of anger now.

Lyndon didn't seem fazed by her hatred. "You foiled my plans, booted me off the ticket, and ruined my politicial carreer! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be mad at you!"

Rory was still angry. "Maybe cause you entered the Vietnam War?"

"I didn't threaten anyone." Johnson's voice was low. "You RUINED my carreer!"

Rory clutched her stomach nauseated. "Maybe because you killed my uncle. I only came back and prevented America's worst nightmares from coming true. Don't include the Civil Rights Act." She wondered silently if her uncle would pass them so everyone would get equal rights.

"The president is trying to get that passed. But you didn't have to ruin my career to stop it!" He was angry. She thought, serves him right.

"You tried to kill him." She was quiet first but anger got ahold of her. "You tried to kill so you could become president!"

"Why would I kill your uncle? That's a stupid conspiracy theory!"

"Don't act innocent!" Rory's eyes were like steely daggers. "Mom told me stories about you. You're vicious. You're a manipulator." She was noticing Johnson was so close to what David liked to call the Johnson treatment.

"That's a lie!" He was almost giving her the Johnson treatment.

Rory was to the point of tears. "You don't know what it's like," she said. "In a losing a father. Because you were raised by one."

Johnson smirked down at her. "Don't cry, little Rory. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just breaking your father's hopes by thinking you're gone."

"You're sick." She was trying not to cry. "You need Jesus." Her religious side was showing.

"I do have him," Johnson replied, "but it shouldn't be taken away from me."

Rory growled. She charged toward him. Shirhan grabbed her before she could make a move.

"Thank you Shirahn," Johnson nodded. "You can't hurt me, Rory. Nothing will work, you should have let me kept my job."

Rory smiled and laughed mockingly. "And let the War in Vietnam estimate? No thanks."

Lyndon chuckled. "For someone your age, Rory. You have quite a mouth."

She shook under Johnson's gaze. "What is it you want from me?"

What Johnson said would make her shattered for the rest of her life.


hey guys nothing to talk about much today 😂




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