The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers: Ch.11

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Chapter 11

"Things do not happen, they are made to happen."

~John F. Kennedy


Caroline's blood boiled. A sea of hatred gloomed in her thoughts. She let out a low sound out of her throat. A inhuman growl escaped her lips. She tensed her muscles.

Sacrifices have to be made, she told herself. But she decided to listen to the conversation Rory was having with Lyndon and Shirhan.

At one point Rory tried to run but Shirahn grabbed her shoulders before she could turn and Caroline could see the hatred boiling in her cousin's eyes. "You can't run from me Rory," Lyndon said.

Rory screamed. She tried to bite Shirhan's hand something she did when she was angry but she couldn't reach Shirhan's hands. She was pathetically slow as the man that had killed Bobby Kennedy in another life punched the young Kennedy in the face. Caroline saw blood running down the young girl's face. Caroline felt the anger in her soul gleaming and ready to rise up.

"Don't fight, Rory," Lyndon advised her. Caroline was reaching for the knife in her pocket. "You'll only make it worse."

Rory stopped fighting as Shirahn raised a knife to put it near her throat. Caroline started to tremble with rage. Who dared to harm a six year old? Especially a Kennedy heir?
"Okay I'll stop," Rory said. There was fright in her voice. "I'll help you. What do you want?"

Johnson's words sickened Caroline. "I'm keeping you away till your father gives up finding you. You will work for me, whatever I ask you to."

Rory started to protest but to Caroline's rage Shirhan drove the knife a little deep into her neck. Rory cried out in pain. "Okay! Okay! What do you need me to do?"

"Whatever comes to my mind," the former VP answered silkliy and smoothly.

Caroline shut off Johnson's voice and Shirhan's annoying voice too. She was calculating if she could run to Rory, pick her up and send Shirhan flying with several quick hits to the neck or to the stomach. He'd meet an end just like Oswald in her past life who was shot in the stomach.

But was Johnson armed too? She didn't want to risk it. She was Kennedy, someone who didn't risk their lives for someone. Her family was rich and famous. She'd saved the president and in result she had become popular but the only reason was because she was a time traveler.

She made up her mind. Stealth was out of the way. She had to actually step out of the hiding place and force Shirhan and Johnson to back down.

The idea seemed pretty stupid. Caroline was aware Shirhan had a gun and she wasn't too sure about Johnson. When Caroline faced old men in combat if she ever did, she couldn't decide if they were armed or unarmed but then again she was great at winning on people in a fair fight.

But people fought dirty. She knew Johnson. The history books she'd gotten from her mother proved that. Johnson didn't want Bobby to get the ticket in 68' so he'd done everything in his power to stop Bobby from getting picked. Even if it meant killing him.

Caroline felt grief. Not for her but for Rory. If Uncle Ted hadn't discovered the time portal, Rory would have been the quiet girl that never knew her father. The guilt weighed heavily on Caroline's shoulders. How could someone be so cold and not understand and just kill someone?

Caroline shook her head to clear the thoughts and she finally made her desecion.

She stepped out of the shadows.


Kathleen, meanwhile, was searching for an exit.

She ran down the dark alleys trying to find her sister. At one point she tripped and scraped her left arm. She felt the blood running down but she fought against the pain. Right now she was determined to get Rory.

Thoughts were eating at her head. Why hadn't they noticed Rory was going to get caught? Was it the fact that the history they came from no longer existed?

When they had stopped the assassination, Kathleen and the others had gone to the hospital. She had started to feel dizzy and she'd fallen to the floor, screaming as a wave of new memories hit her.

The result had knocked her out cold. She had woke up on the 24th a day before John Kennedy Jr's third birthday. The memories of her past life were still there but she dreaded to think of them.

Kathleen peered out into the shadows. She slowly stepped out. The alleys were dark. She heard quiet and then the sudden bullcrack of a gun. She started to run.

She was sent sprawling over the rocks. She protected her face to cover the jagged ends. She landed on her knees, but didn't scrape anything. She stumbled to her feet when she felt something crash into her. "Oomf!"

"Sorry!" Luci's voice sounded from above. Kathleen rolled into her side and saw the young woman staring at her with bright eyes. "I didn't notice you. It's really dark in here."

She helped Kathleen up. The Kennedy girl stumbled up and looked at Luci through narrowed eyes.

"Come on." She picked at her lips. "We need to go."

They headed into the darkness unsure of their fate.

Two chapters in one day! 😄
yayyyyy 😍😭 OAHCOEJDNDH
I got brusied in my basketball game today 😂
the other team cheated multiple times 😆
but we won but it was a close game 13-12 😬
please review! 😋

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