The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers Ch.8

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Chapter 8

"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up."

~Four, the Divergent series by Veronica Roth


Caroline slammed the door of the airplane when they got to Hickory Hill. She had sweat glistening down her face and her green eyes were shining with awestruck terror.

"We are almost there," John panted for breath. She shook her head and winced. They'd convinced one of Lyndon Johnson's daughters to turn her back on her father. It was no other then Luci Johnson. She was jogging behind David, who was close behind.

Kathleen who was with them, suddenly tripped over a rock. She landed on her palms and she scrambled to her feet, cuts on her hands. She pushed Luci away when she tried to help. "I'm fine."

"We don't need to waste anytime!" Caroline snapped her head up. She blinked into the darkness of the trees. The crew bolted for the shade of the trees.

At one point, David stopped to gasp for air. Kathleen was getting annoyed. They stood there for some five minutes before they started to jog again.

In her mind Caroline was praying that they somehow weren't too late.


Rory's blue eyes widened as she saw the man before her eyes. He was short but vicious. His dark eyes glimmered wirh amusement.

"Shirhan," she murmured. "Shirhan-Shirahn!"

Bobby stumbled but held Rory roughly without letting go. "T-t-t-t-this is him?"

The man held a gun at Bobby's head but Rory wasn't afraid. Well not yet. "You killed him!" She shouted at the man. "You killed my dad!"

"I didn't yet but might as well do it five years earlier." Shirahn's eyes were full of bloodlust.

Rory made a snarling sound in her throat. "Shut up! You made David a drug addict!" Her vicious ruthless side was showing.

Shirhan didn't blink. "Rory, that's because he watched your father's asassination." Bobby held Rory still paralyzed with fear. This had to be so unlike him but he still feared cod Rory's saftey. And he knew instead of Jack making enemies it'd be Bobby that would be shot instead of him.

Rory trembled with fury and hate. She was dosed wirh memories. Memories from a past came back to her. David smoking uncontrablly. Her mother being bleak in the light. The pain and quiet of not knowing her own father or her legendary uncle, aka the King of Camelot. "They should have tried you when they got the chance!" She screamed at Shirahn.

Shirhan smiled at the way she yelled. "Well, there's been a change of plans." His voice was cold and cruel. "None of them are here to stop me, so they don't know where am I." His smile only got more wicked by the second. "So who is here to stop me?"

Rory fumbled for answer. She turned to look at Bobby. Her eyes were full of anger and hate.

Bobby of course was still shaken with fear. He didn't know what to do. His eyes were on the gun and nothing else.

"What do you want with us?" Rory was still showing she was cleary aggresive. At the same time she was stalling. She knew that somewhere out in the woods, Caroline and the others were trying to come to the house and sneak their way in. "Is Dad going to bomb your country again?" She was dripping with sarcasm.

"He hasn't said anything about that yet." Shirhan was eeirly calm. "But I have another reason to hate him. I'm on orders from someone else, now I need you to move away from your father so I can shoot your father and take you away."

"No." Rory was stubborn. "Never."

Shirahn clicked the gun so he was ready to fire.

Rory still didn't move. She had a posion dart she'd taken from her sister, Kathleen. She pulled it out and glared at Shirahn. She was afraid to use it though. "What does Johnson want with me?"

"He wants to take you away from your father, that's what I've been told." Shirhan had a steely glint in his cold blue eyes. "I'm not going to tell you the rest. And a posion dart is going to do far less damage then a bullet."

Rory was shaking with fear. Where was the secret service?

Bobby was backing away slowly. He had told the secret service to go home, he always did that. He never needed them anyway.

Rory was still glaring at Shirahn. "David's gonna kill you once he gets drunk." She was trying to hide the fact that David didn't drink anymore. He'd stopped after they saved Jack from being slain on a Dallas street.

Bobby whispered in her ear, "Uh, Rory. David stopped."

The blood drained from the young Kenendy's face. Of course. Nothing bad had happened in the past few days so David didn't drink anymore.

"What can I do for you to leave us alone?" Bobby eyed the silver gun in Shirhan's hand.

"Nothing." Shirhan sneered. "I'm under Johnson's orders."

"He hasn't done anything to you!" Rory was screaming. "Leave him be!"

"I'm taking you," Shirhan snapped, "whether your father is dead or alive."

"Never!" Bobby spluttered already still out of shock.

Shirahn walked up to Bobby. He pinned the attorney general against the wall.

"If you're afraid of me why haven't you killed me yet?" Bobby showed no fear of death now.

"Daddy!" Rory was glaring at Shirhan. "Don't do it!" Shirahn raised the gun and smashed it on Bobby's head. He crumpled to the ground, out cold.

Rory's eyes filled with horror and terror. Disbelief showed in her eyes. Shirhan pinned her agianst the wall.

"Now that your father's out the way." His voice was eerily calm. "You are coming with me."


Two chaps in one day! Yippee!!! 😄



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