The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers: Ch.3

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Chapter 3

"Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always."

~Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments With Truth


Caroline was tired.

She had ran a full mile across the White House and back while the press took pictures of her. She had come back exhausted and she had crashed into Vice President Nixon who'd given her a dirty look and she had apologized quickly before dashing over to the nearest restroom.

She'd taken a shower and then went to eat a late night dinner. The dinner was Chinese chicken and some fries. She gorged it down and drank some of the coke. She sagged and clutched her stomach after she was done.

"You seem tired," a familiar voice said from behind her. She turned her head and saw Jackie behind her. She had those bright eyes, not those dull eyes full of terror and pain after Dallas. "Caroline, what's wrong?"

Caroline continued eating. "I'm not tired. Just sad."

Jackie sat down. She watched Caroline eat. "Sad about what?"

"About Conally," she looked at her mother in the eye. "I feel like I failed in a way." The Zapruder film which had still been created was showed through them. This time it had been Conally's head exploding. The brain mass had exploded everywhere and onto her father's suit. She grimaced and shut her eyes. "He didn't deserve to die."

Jackie sighed. She closed her eyes. "What was supposed to happen back there?"

Caroline smiled grimly and shyly. "You were supposed to look at Dad with shock in your eyes. Then he grabs his chest and then a bullet comes from behind and his head just...just gets into pieces."

Jackie was interested. "Tell me more."

"After that you head back to the airport. Lyndon becomes president. He entered Vietnam. I don't know why anyone could be so bloodthirsty." She was shaking for her breath.

Jackie started to rub Caroline's back. "It's not going to happen now is it? Stop fretting about it."

"John is haunted by what ifs," she told her mother. "Like me but gruesomer what ifs."

Caroline sighed. "I'm going to bed. Wake me up early tomorrow. I'm planning to go back to Hickory Hill." She smiled and cheerfully skipped out the door, slamming it behind her.


David Anthony Kennedy was not drunk. Well anymore.

He'd tossed several bottles and ciggerates into the trashcan the day after Conally's death. The instinct to do drugs had vanished. He'd fainted after coming back to the White House.

David was sitting down, keeping himself up and grinding his jaw shut just trying to keep calm when Rory came brushing out the door with Douglas on her heels. She laughed and shouted, "Can't catch me!"

"No fair you had a head start!" Douglas shouted back. She laughed and sped off toward the river.

David watched them streak toward the river. A moment later, Ethel came hurrying out. She looked around bewildered. "They went that way." David inclined his head at the river path.

"Thanks." Ethel took off after them.

David clung over the bitter cold weather. The sun was in his eyes. Just trying to get a tan, he thought, smiling at the idea.

He wanted to go back, he thought, but Lyndon would do something to his advantage. David didn't want to end drunk up. He winced.


He opened his eyes and saw his father standing before him.

"It's hot outside," his father continued. "How about we go for a walk?"

He nodded and stood up. He stretched for a second before following Bobby to a thick undergrowth. Bobby glanced behind him and saw David running to keep up.

"Where are we going?" He asked his dad.

"You'll see." Bobby smirked.

Bobby stopped at the pool of water. David stopped and his breath caught in his throat. This is the place where he'd almost drowned as a little kid. He choked on sobs.



Bobby sat down and motioned for David to come closer. He smiled.

"Sit." He said.

"What do you want?" Bobby sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's about Lyndon isn't it?"

Bobby sighed again. "Not that," he corrected her. "I have a feeling..."

David was getting concerned. "Dad?"

The Attorney General lowered his voice.

"David," he said his voice below a hiss. "Lyndon is after Rory."


😍 I'm not sure if you would call that a cliffhanger lol 😍


😊anyway I'm thinking about adding more historical figures of the 1960's any ideas? 😊


😚please review!😚

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