The Kennedy Life: The Last Time Travelers: Ch.4

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Chapter 4

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

~Frank Herbert, Dune (Dune Chronicles, #1)


Kara Kennedy hated the press.

She didn't hate them as much as she did now but now her aunt, Jackie, was right. There was a stampede behind her. She was in Texas for the week and she was trying to run for the way out.

Keep running! She told herself. Don't stop!

"Miss Kennedy!" One of the press shouted. She continued running, her breath shaking when she felt the floor giveaway and she slammed but she got back on her feet, smiling.

I like taking risks, she told herself. She climbed on the picket fence that three weeks ago had been a shooting range.

Kara rushed up the street with the crowd on her heels. She clicked her tongue and yelled at the top of her lungs. The crowd shouted back.

This is great for 64', she decided. If I rally more people, we could vote for President Kennedy.

Kara closed her eyes briefly. She stopped at the exit of Dealey Plaza and bolted toward the hotel where her parents were staying at.

Secret service were guarding the area and they allowed Kara to rush in but they held the crowd back. Joan was sitting in the lobby. She looked at her.

"I had a great day!" She exclaimed joyfully. "Running away from people and helping the crowds!" She was grinning.

"Drink too much soda?" Her mother asked, looking at her with a gentle smile. People in the lobby were held back and Kara shook her head. She dashed for the room.

Her stomach was growling so she took a quick turn to the left, and darted toward the coffee cafè. She sat down still filled with energy when the waiter came over to her. She looked at Kara with shocked eyes but managed to ask, "Can I help you, Miss. Kennedy?"

"Iced coffee," she instructed, "medium sized."

The watier scribbled in on her little notepad. She hurried toward the kitchen to please Kara in a hurry.

Kara waited ten minutes and with people staring at her, whispering things like "that's her, that's the time traveler." She ignored them. The watier finally returned with an iced coffee. Kara muttered her thanks and she avoided eye contact with the waiter as she sat down watching Kara drink from it.

"You haven't heard did you?" She asked. "About Rory?"

Kara stopped sipping the icy drink and looked up into pale blue eyes. "What?"

"So you haven't," the woman sighed again. "Rory Kennedy. Well she went to Hickory Hill with her mom and dad but she might be in danger there." She smiled grimly.

Kara dropped the drink. It shattered on the floor. "What did Rory do?"

"She saves the president," the waitress began, "and she messes with the former VP while she's at it. When you guys saved President Kenendy, you thought it was all over. It was only the beginning."

Kara was only half paying attention but she was in horror. They'd endangered Rory. Rory, the small quiet girl that had hated attention from the start. The last daughter of Robert Kenendy and she hadn't known her daddy until now.

Kara bolted. She ran for the door. People moved out of the way, some yelling at her but she was already aware of her destination. She was in awestruck terror. She needed to get to DC. Once there she would warn Caroline and the president. They would take action after that.

Kara fell, tripping on her legs. She landed on her feet, gasping for air. She tucked in her hands into her pockets. It was cold outside. The winter air bit her cheeks. She hopped into the nearest taxi not even bothering to take the secret service way out.

"Where to?" The taxi driver wasn't even startled by her busting into his car.

"The airport!" She screamed at him. "Get to the airport now!"

The driver nodded and hit on the acceleration brakes. Kara was complelty frantic. She thought of Rory being kidnapped. When they got to the airport, she opened the door as the car screeched to a halt. She was breathing rapidly. She raced onto a private plane with a group of singers who were heading for DC. They didn't mind her. They liked the time traveler.

The whole time though Kara was pacing, hoping she wasn't too late.


"Someone is here."

John Kennedy Jr was eating lunch when President Kennedy said that. He nodded and rushed to the front gates. There was a crowd there but pushing their way through the crowd was secret service agents that were surrounding Kara Kennedy.

When John saw Kara, he was surprised but happy at the same time. It'd been weeks since he saw her. But she was frantic, screaming at people to move.

"Kara!" He shouted at her. She was sweating from head to toe. Her blue eyes showed nothing but pure panic. "What's wrong?"

She pushed through the crowd. She had to catch her breath. John grabbed her arm and pulled her into the White House. "What's wrong?" He repeated once she was done panicking.

"It's Rory," she replied back. "She's in danger."

John noticed from the corner of his eye President Kennedy and Vice President Nixon approach. Kara was leaning on a bench for support. "What's wrong?" The president asked.

"Something about Rory," John said stepping back. "Kara's in shock. Last time this happened was when she was shot in the shoulder."

Nixon looked utterly concerned but he didn't say anything. He watched the panicked Kara.

Kara was still breathing rapidly and too fast. John got her to calm down. "Now tell me: what's wrong?"

John wished she hadn't said.

She raised her head and looked at them in the eye.

"Lyndon's after Rory."

It a while to sink but then John relaxes her terror. He didn't understand why Rory was being chased and Bobby probably had no idea that his daughter was on the verge of being skinned alive.

"Does Bobby know?" Preisdent Kennedy asked. She shook her head.

"I don't know." She was truthful. "I got this from a waiter at the hotel. She was complelty honest with me. She didn't tell me specifically who Lyndon sent."

"I have a thought," John said quielty.

Several pairs of eyes whipped toward him.

"Who else hates Bobby? Don't include Hoover," he warned at the president and Vice President. "It's someone else who's a part of history and he hates Uncle Bobby a lot."

The answer was clogged into Kara's throat. When she said the name, a bunch of memories came back to him.



I now have an Instagram for my Wattpad account 😊😍😋 if you wish to follow my account name is @wattpad_its35president


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