This Fucking Bully

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So welcome to my story! This will be updated when I can. I do have a life and a job. But I will try to update it. Anyways.... on to the topic of this story. This book will either be my own plot. Or one changed from the main story. By the main story I mean I will change the path he goes on. So I hope you enjoy it! I will post later today! But I am currently on my way somewhere so yea! Bye. Also photo, not mine! Credit to the artist!!! So welcome to the chapter! Now I will try to post when I can.  Also, excuse the bad spelling!!! Now enjoy!

  "Izuku!! Are you ready to go? We're gonna be late for your doctor's appointment!" My mother yells from the hall. "Coming!" I scream back. Today I finally get to know when I will be able to get my quirk!! Then finally Bakugo can stop bugging me about it. I am the only person in class without a quirk.
"Izuku I have a gift for you!" She hands me a bag. Inside is an all-might action figure! " Where did u get this I thought it was sold out!!" She smiles and explains that she bought one when they first came out and that she wanted me to have it now.

We pull into the doctor's parking lot and it's not that busy. I get seated and my mom sits next to me while we wait for the doctor to come in. "It's not happening kid." The doctor says to me. I can't speak, I drop my new All Might figure and just stare at the doctor while he explains to my mother what's wrong.
"You see when quirks first started showing up researchers found a link to quirks with the foot and the pinkie toe. In order to have a quirk your toe can't have two joints, you do Izuku. So you are known as qurikless. I am sorry" He then walks out of the room and leaves me and my mother alone in the room.

Later that night I am alone in my room. Staring at all of the all-might posters and books. Everything. My mom comes in and sets up the laptop to watch this video. The video is of All Might rescuing people when a building collapsed and villains attacked. Will I be able to be a hero like him? Why does he have a quirk? Why are there even quirkless people? My mom hugs me while I am crying. " I am sorry Izuku! I am so sorry" She cries right with me. But how could she even know her only son was quirkless? She couldn't have known. It's not her fault, so why is she apologizing?

The next day at school.

"Izuku!" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see that it's Bakugo. "Hey, I heard that you went to the doctor yesterday! How did it go did they say when your gonna get your quirk?" I just stare at him. He keeps asking questions. While I just stare. His smile slowly fades. "Hey, what's wrong?" I look up not realizing I was looking down. " I'm........quirkless" is all I said. Bakugo stares at me and starts to laugh. " I knew it! There's no way that some worthless little nerd like you Deku could have a quirk!" He then proceeded to laugh and push me til I fell into the mud. That day I hadn't realized that that was only the beginning.

My mother had to pick me up from school early because I had no other clothes to change into. Bakugo on the other had laughed because I was walking out with my mother. On the way home she asks me a string of questions "Are you alright? Who did this to you? Are you getting bullied?" All to which she never got an answer.

A few years later in middle school.

I walk into class like normal but I see something on my desk. On my desk was carved out worthless Deku. I sigh and sit down anyways. In the corner of my eye, I see Bakugo snicker to himself. Class starts and we get on the topic of high schools. I am not paying attention. I am more focused on the fight that happened this morning. When suddenly Bakugo is yelling at me for applying to the same school as him. I back myself up and I hit the wall. "Why would a hero school want a quirkless nerd?" He says as tiny explosions go off in his hands. I am still holding my notebook about heroes and Bakugo sees this. "Awe what's this? A book about heroes! OH! Look here you even drew yourself as a hero!" He laughs again. The teacher starts walking towards him. " Worthless Deku! Why don't you just die already? No one likes you. Not even the teachers. They're tired of a quirkless boy who can't do anything we do in class because it requires a quirk! So they have to give you extra work for a worthless nerd like yourself Deku." At this point, the teacher is right behind him. Right as Bakugo blows up my notebook and throws it out the window. The teacher tackles Bakugo and sends him to the office. I on the other hand am just staring at my feet. The teacher notices this and sends me home. After school is out the teacher finally notices Midorya's desk. He walks up to it and sees that Mydoria has carved a big X in the middle. He sighs and tells the janitor that he needs a new desk....again.

At home

" Mydoria? I think you left this..." She slides my burnt-up notebook under my door. It stays there. I get up and go to my laptop and open up a file. Pictures come up across the screen. One of them is of 2 children at a creek. A green-haired boy with freckles, and a white spikey hair boy with sharp teeth." Why does he have to be a fucking bully?"

Edited on 7-22-23

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