Part 5; Tour Bus Day 2

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I woke up to the warmth of the sunlight shining through the window of my room. I suprisingly had a really good sleep, I didn't wake up during the night at all. Maybe it was just the comforting fact that i was back on the road doing what i love. The only thing was wasn't very comfortable was my stomach. I wonder how long i had slept for, maybe i was just hungry. I reached over to look at my phone to check the time. 11:15. Hopefully this stomach ache was just hunger. I got up, put some comfy shorts on and pulled a zip-up Fall Out Boy hoodie over my tank top. 

I opened the curtain to the bunks and saw that Patrick was still fast asleep on his bottom up, and Pete was asleep on his top bunk across from Patrick. I quietly exited the bunk area and closed the door behind me. Andy and Joe were sitting at the table across from the kitchen eating what looked like toaster waffles.

"Mornin' guys." I said as I sat down beside Andy.

"Hey" Said Andy, followed by a "Good Morning" from Joe.

"How'd you sleep?" Asked Andy with a smile.

"Good! how 'bout you guys?" I replied.

"Well, now that you ask, I had a greeeeeat sleep." Joe said very happily. Andy just nodded.

"Yeah I wouldn't doubt it, you slept for like, 12 hours." I said laughing

"Best 12 hours of my life!" Joe Joked. We all smiled and laughed. 

"Hey Sammy, do you want the rest of my waffles? I'm not gonna finish it." Andy asked me.

"I don't blame you, they look fucking gross and i will definetly not eat it." I replied.

"I'll eat it." Joe reached over the table, grabbed the plate, and dug right in. Me and Andy shared disgusted looks.

"So.. Anyway, do you guys know how long until we get to New York?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well we have a scheduled sound check at 3, so i think we were suppost to arrive at the arena before 2." Joe answered, his face full of waffles.

"And Patrick will probably still be asleep." Andy added, we all laughed in agreement.

"Trick's awake." Pete said as he sleepily walked out wearing only boxers. I'm not gonna lie, Pete sure was nice to look at. 

"Ah, he's doing a Q&A" Andy said looking down at his phone.

"Well at least he's awake." Joe added. Pete sat down next to Joe and reached over to grab some of his waffles.

"Hey fuck off get your own." Joe said as he shoved  his elbow infront of Pete. Pete groaned, got up and started making himself a waffle. 

"Hey can you make me one too?" Patrick yelled from the bunks.

"Yeah but you gotta come out here to eat it." Pete said as he popped another waffle into the toaster. 

We heard Patrick groan and crawl out of bed.

"Wow Trick, you're up early." I said as Patrick walked toward the table wearing sweat pants, a black Chicago T-Shirt, and his glasses.  He sat down beside  Joe taking Pete's seat.

"Yeah you guys make so much noise." Patrick said rubbing his eyes with a half smile on his face. We all let out a little giggle.

"Well I'm done eating so I'm gonna go back and get dressed." Andy said as he got out of the booth. 

"Alright." Pete said as he walked over with his and Patrick's plates and took Andy's place beside me.

"Thanks man." Patrick said as he started eating.

"No problem." Pete said. I couldn't help but smile. I loved Pete and Patrick's relationship, it was a lot like Pete and I's relationship. Always caring about eachother though everything, But still having fun. Whether it's pranking eachother, inside jokes, and just knowing everything about eachother. Just knowing that you have someone there all the time, i swear it's one of the best feelings in the world.

"So.. Opening night.. Excited?" I said as i looked at Patrick and Pete.

"It'll be good. I can feel it." Patrick said noddingwith a mouthful of waffles.

"Yeah, it'll be a blast. New York crowds are always awesome." Pete said between mouthfuls, "They're great for first shows on tour, really make you feel at home." Patrick and Joe nodded in agreement.

"That's good, it makes me feel a bit better." I said.

"Wait, you weren't feeling good?" Pete turned to me and asked.

"Pete she's just nervous because its her first show where she's actually on stage performing." Joe said for me.

"Sammy, don't even worry." Patrick said, " The first time, yeah, it's kind of scary. But once you see the fans, and hear them screaming the lyrics to your songs, it's the best feeling in the world." 

But what if they don't sing the lyrics with me?

I put my negitive thoughts aside and smiled at Patrick.

"Guys we're in New York!" Andy screamed  while running out of the bunk room.

"Already?" Pete said.

I pulled the blinds up and we all gathered around the window and looked at the beautiful, New York City. 

woooooo another chapter complete :)

this is unedited bc this chapter is late already and i wanted you guys to have something :)

SO UH im going on vacation is 2 days so ill try to keep you updated but im not sure how good the wifi will be at my condo, but ill do my best!!!


if you guys have any questions about this story or chapter my kik is; SscLL & my twitter is; @Fallxoutboy

~~Cheers, Savi~~

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