Part 24; Pete's POV

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Andy, Joe and I left the hospital the night the accident happened. They basically forced us out. And it was for stupid reasons too, just because when Sammy is in stable condition we still wouldn't be allowed to see her. They have some stupid 48 hour rule or some shit.

The only reason I agreed to leave was because Patrick was in tears, and that killed me inside. Seeing my best friend so hurt and scared, and knowing I couldn't do anything to help him. And also Joe said they would call security if I didn't "calm down."

The three of us went back to my house in LA, as planned. Joe and Andy have been to my house before so they knew where their rooms were, I'm thankful they did, because I was a mess and useless at this point. Andy had to help me into the house because I couldn't walk. I was so scared, and my thoughts were everywhere.

Andy put me on the couch and grabbed me a blanket and told me to relax until I felt like I could go up to my room. The two of them went upstairs and went to bed. I know they were both scared and nervous. But they hide things better, and they were also not as close with Sammy and knew Patrick and I needed some space.

I looked over to the clock on my wall.
3 o'clock in the morning.

This just proves how fast and how quickly things in your life can be taken away from you. This was absolutely the worst feeling in the world. I just wanted to sleep and try to forget about everything that was happening and pretend everything was the way it used to be.

I laid there on the couch for over an hour, fighting with myself, and wishing I could turn back time and never let Sammy leave that tour bus.

I kept wondering how that could have happened to her. I couldn't look at her laying on the concrete, I felt my heart break staring at her. I fell to my knees and started crying. Joe and Andy were there to help me, but I was still a train wreck.

I started thinking up weird scenarios as to what happened. Maybe she was crossing the street and didn't look both ways. Maybe she was driving and got distracted by her thoughts and didn't notice the red light. Maybe she did it on purpose. Maybe she had enough of me and Patrick fighting about her. Maybe she thought that she was the problem, and getting rid of the problem would solve it. I hope to god that's not what happened.

I was crying now, and it was so hard to stop. I don't know if I even stopped, maybe I cried through my sleep.

I must have slept over 12 hours. I woke up at 5 pm the next day. I sat up from my spot on the couch, and noticed a note sitting next to my phone.

Hey me & Andy went to get groceries, you got like no food here. We'll be back around 6, don't get into any trouble.

Now my phone. What if there was a text, or missed call from Patrick. What if she didn't make it, what if she did?

I pressed the home button on my phone, it lit up to my background, all of us on stage from the show the other night. No notifications.

I unlocked my phone to see for sure, there was nothing. I texted Patrick.

To Patrick: Any news?

I put my phone down back on the coffee table and went to the kitchen. Joe wasn't kidding, I had almost no food. The only thing in my fridge was a jug of orange juice and some beers.

I decided against the beers and went to the pantry. Again, almost no food. I did have cereal however. I poured myself a bowl of cereal without milk.

I sat back down on the couch and turned the TV on, hoping to find something to take my mind off all this, yet again.

I pulled the blanket around my shoulders and quickly finished my bowl of cereal and put the empty bowl on the coffee table beside my phone. Still no text from Patrick.

I heard my front door unlock, followed by the voices of Joe and Andy whispering.

They walked into the living room where I was sitting.

"Jesus dude. You look like shit." Joe said putting the grocery bag on the ground beside him.

"Have you even moved off the couch?" Andy said sitting down on the love seat beside the couch.

I shook my head and pulled my blanket around me tighter.

"Sitting around all day isn't going to make you feel better. You're stressed and worried. We get that, we are too, we're just dealing with it better than you are." Joe said sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Joe's right Pete. What happened is completely out of our control. There is nothing we can do, and you just need to accept that. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but it's the truth." Andy said standing up, and picking up the grocery bags and taking them to my kitchen.

"Andy's got a point." Joe said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know. It's- It's just hard, y'know? Knowing that there is absolutely nothing I can do to."

"I know man. Trust me I do."

I took a deep breath.

"Maybe we can go for a walk tonight, or go to the gym, something active. It will help. I promise." Joe said.

"Thanks Joe. I really do appreciate it." I tried to get out a smile.

"Anytime dude. You want some food?"

"Nah not now. I just ate some cereal."

Joe nodded and left the living room.

Maybe getting some thoughts down on paper would help, i used to do that all the time. I stood up and walked down to my in-home studio or "safe room" as I liked to call it.

I went through some of the drawers in my desk, looking for my lyric books.

I found a newer book, it only had lyrics in it that haven't been turned into songs yet. I haven't even shown it to the guys yet. I flipped to an open page and began writing down random ideas as they came to my head.

"Stuck in the jet wash, bad trip I couldn't get off"

"You are my favourite, what if you are my best I'll never know."

"I spin for you, like your favourite records used to"

"And in the end, I'd do it all again, I think you're my best friend."

"I'll be yours, when it rains it pours, stay thirsty like before."

It felt like i had written hundreds of lyrics. My hand hurt so much I needed to stop. I looked over at the clock, almost midnight. I decided to try and get some more sleep, but in my bed this time.

I walked upstairs and saw Andy sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey." I said from the doorway.

Andy's head shot up to me, "Hey man, feeling better?"

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna try and get some sleep though."

"Okay sure, Joe went up about an hour ago, he said he didn't get a good sleep last night and was up early this morning."

I nodded, and was about to walk out the door when I turned around and said, "Hey, if you hear anything from Patrick, wake me up, let me know right away okay?"

"Okay. Night Pete."

"Goodnight Andy."

I walked up the stairs to my room, changed into boxers and collapsed on my bed. Only now did my exhaustion really hit me. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been posting much! I've been super busy!
Forgive me please!
Also this is my last update before Christmas & probably new years!

I hope everyone is enjoying Winter break! Happy holidays & happy new year! See you guys in 2015!

~~Cheers! Sav ~~

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