Part 6

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"Well guys, it's time." Joe said in a deep comical voice.

"Oh shit." I said by accident. I meant to just think that, but realized it was out loud when the heads started turning towards me. "I have to get ready!" I finished as I jumped my way through the guys and ran to my bedroom. 

I smiled at the thought of Pete, Andy and Joe's expression. They almost never see me like this, I usually stay in hotels, away from the guys on tour. We would only really go sightseeing together, (Depending on the city that we were in.) Hangout in the dressing room, and at after parties. I ran to my suitcase and I had beside my bed and pulled out a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a light pink tank top that was slightly big on me, so i tucked one side into my shorts. I also grabbed a light grey cardigan incase the stage was a little cold during soundcheck. With thousands of dancing and screaming bodies it gets pretty hot, but trust me when theres only a couple people it gets kind of chilly. 

Next I walked to the bathroom and tied my long sandy blonde hair into a bun and washed my face then put on my daily moisturizer. Trust me you want to have clear skin if you're gonna have a lot of pictures taken of you that will be seen worldwide. I decided to skip foundation and went straight to my eyes. I did some simple black winged eyeliner and mascara. Then I pulled my hair out of the bun and let it fall down to about mid-back. I was happy with how long it was getting. I brushed and straightened a few sections where i felt it needed. 

I walked out and saw all the guys sitting on the couches, already dressed and ready to go. Joe had black skinny jeans on with a black T-shirt with some old band logo on it, that shirt really showed off his tattoo sleeves. Andy was wearing a pair of basket ball shorts and also a black T-shirt that he would just end up taking off when we go on stage anyways. Patrick also had black skinny jeans on with a maroon colored T-Shirt and leather jacket over top. Along with his beloved fedora placed on top of his head. Pete too was also wearing black skinny jeans. (Come on guys let's get original.) He also had on a grey T-Shirt  that said 'Chicago 1966' I don't know what happened in Chicago at 1966 that they felt the need to make a shirt for it. 

"About time!" Pete said standing up. I could hear the sarcasm in his voice and just smiled.

"Oh come on Pete, you out of all people should understand how long it takes to do your eyeliner." I said crossing my arms and smiling excited to hear his response. I heard an 'oooo' come from Joe and Andys couch. I didn't even have to look over at Patrick to know he had a huge grin on his face.

"Oh now you've crossed the line." Pete said trying oh so hard not to smile.

Before i knew it the bus had come to a complete sudden stop making me fall forward onto Pete causing us both to fall to the ground. I heard some snickering most likely from Joe. I looked up and Pete and I were face to face. I don't care what you say, brown eyes are so beautiful. 

"Are you guys okay?" Patrick said. 

I looked up and took his hand and said, "Yeah, thanks Trick."

I turned around and sat down on the couch taking Patrick's place.

"How bout you Pete?" Patrick said reaching a hand out to help him up.

"Yeah, Sammy's pretty light." Pete said with a smile. I looked at Pete and smiled at him.

"Why did we stop anyways?" Pete asked.

"I think we're here." Andy answered.

"Well, lets go soundcheck then." Patrick said smiling.

Soundcheck was nothing new to me. Like I said earlier, I've been to almost every Fall Out Boy show and would always help out with everything. Sometimes with the way timing would work out, Patrick would be on vocal rest at the same time soundcheck was scheduled, so I would take his place. Even if any of the other guys were really tired or didn't want to do soundcheck i would take their place. Although soundcheck is very important so usually the guys always stick it out for the couple hours. 

I could play almost every instrument that Patrick could play, but hey, he has a couple years on me, give me a few more years, i'll get there eventually. At least I could speak more languages more fluently then he can. 

It's really hard living in the shadow of an older sibling who has done nothing but succeed and all you've done is try and fail. Remember the lyric, 'And I want to be known for my hits not just my misses.' I wrote that.

Okay this is the part of my life that gets kind of depressing. I've been dealing with self harm since i was 18. It's been three years since my last cut, I still get cravings every once in a while. I still have the scars on my wrists and they'll probably be there forever. I don't try to hide it anymore, Patrick and Pete already found out and i got the long lecture about how its not worth it and how I'm better then this. They really don't understand. Andy and Joe know too, but I think it makes them feel awkward because they've never had to deal with anything like this in their life, so we never talk about it. 

Anyways back to soundcheck, the guys started out with Sugar, We're Goin' Down, and i sat down on the end of the stage watching and making sure everything sounded right. Next they did My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, and after that we did Just One Yesterday. It felt great to be on stage singing with my best friends, i couldn't help it though. I was still incredibly nervous for the show tonight, it'll definetly feel different with the room filled with screaming fans. We finished with a couple more songs and headed back to our dressing room. We still had a couple more hours, and we were all worn out from the long trip so we just decided to stay at the venue. 

I sat down on the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table and let out a long sigh of relief

"What?" Pete said smiling and sitting down next to me, copying my actions.

"Nothing," I said, "Just feels good to be back."

"I know, it's great." He replied, closing his eyes.

My eyes shot to the door when it bursted open as Joe and Andy ran through it screaming in excitement.

"Jesus guys." I said laughing.

"I'm so fucking excited!" Joe yelled as he reached for one of the bottles of alcohol sitting next to the TV. Andy came over and sat down on the coffee table infront of me and Pete.

"Where's Trick?" Pete asked.

"Uh, I think some reporters wanted to do an interview with him." Andy answered.

"Oh okay." Pete replied.

"Yeah, they asked for you too, Sammy." Joe said walking over to us, drink in hand.

"Really?" I said, stunned. Why would they want to interview me?

"Yeah, Trick told 'em you were busy." Andy added, "We weren't sure if you would have wanted to do an interview quite yet."

"Thanks guys, yeah I don't know if I'm ready yet." I've only ever done one interview, and it went horribly wrong. Plus I don't really do too well answering questions on the spot, especially on camera. I have some social anxiety and i am super socially awkward. It's usually better for everyone if I stay behind the scenes. 

For the next two hours or so, until we had to go and start getting ready for the show, we just hung out in the dressing room, relaxing, watching TV, talking, eating... Just hanging out, just like old times. Fuck man; I missed this so much.

SOOOOO you guys get an extra long chapter :) 

i've been on vacation for this past week and am going home tomorrow so i'm sorry it's a little late & i wasn't exactly sure how to end this chapter, so im sorry if it sucks.

ALSO within the next couple chapters i'm gonna try and switch up the POV's

I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, please VOTE & COMMENT

if you have any questions or requests pls kik me; SScLL or my twitter is; @Fallxoutboy

~~Cheers, Savi~~

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