Part 11 (Part 1): Sammy's POV (((Edited)))

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So you may be wondering what the (Part 1) Is in the title.. 

I couldn't think of enough stuff to write in for one chapter, so i decided to make two and post them around the same time. So these next two chapters are gonna be shorter, but the next chapter is also gonna be in Pete's POV.

I would also like to make a little game out of this. If this chapter gets 5 votes in the next 8 hours (which i think you guys can do...) I will post the next part tomorrow. If not, I will post the next chapter when I get back from MONUMENTOUR. Which will be Tuesday. 

Good luck & Thank you for reading this >.<

The next week and a half were pretty smooth. Well, for the most part. I've had a couple of nightmares since the nightclub thing, each one more and more vivid. I would always scream and yell, usually for Patrick, and Patrick would always come to my side and calm me down, then eventually fall asleep with me. I don't know, just something about Patrick makes you feel safe around him. 

Oh and I still cut too. The guys haven't found out, and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not even scared about how angry Patrick and Pete will get at me, (which they will) But I'm more scared about how disappointed they'll be. 

The thing is, it's hard to stop once you've started; it's addicting. In a way it's kind of like a mosquito bite. Once you start scratching it's hard to stop. The relief from the itchiness just feels so good. All the pain built up inside you, and when you scratch, you release it all, it just feels so good. 

It was starting to get hot out too, so I couldn't wear hoodies or long sleeves with out passing out. So I found an old bandana and tied it around my wrist. It was close though, When Pete saw and questioned it, I simply answered, "A new punk rock fashion choice." I think he knows somethings up.

We had just finished the show in LA and we were all hanging out in the dressing room before heading back out to the bus to get some rest before our second show in LA the next night.

"Hey guys," Patrick said walking in from the bathroom wiping his face with a towel, "We were invited to an after party, I know it's not really our thing, but I though it would be fun."

Joe nodded, "Yeah I'm in." Andy nodded in Agreement.

"Pete, Sammy?" Patrick said looking at Pete and I sitting on the couch.

"I think I'll actually go back to the bus, I need to have a shower and catch up on some sleep." I said looking back down at my phone.

"Yeah i'll stay with Sammy." Pete said. That was pretty odd. Pete wasn't one to stay in a night, especially a night full of alcohol. 

I think Patrick was thinking the same thing I was judging by the look on his face. "Oh, okay then." He said, "Andy, Joe, we should probably get going right away." 

Andy and Joe nodded and followed Patrick out of the dressing room, leaving Pete and I alone together. 

"Well, I'm gonna head back to the bus." I said breaking the silence, "You coming?" 

Pete looked up at me, "hm? Oh, yeah."

Me and Pete walked out of the dressing room and made our way towards the bus.

"Wow, it really cooled down out here." I said shivering.

"Oh here, take my sweater." Pete offered.

Before I could say anything Pete was draping his sweater over my shoulders.

"Thanks." I smiled at Pete. He looked back and smiled. And wow, it was an amazing million dollar smile. Who am I kidding... everything about him was amazing. Wait. What am I thinking? I can't think of Pete that way. He's my brother's best friend, we're in the same band. We arrived at the bus and Pete opened the door for me. He doesn't feel that way about me, no one feels that way about me. Especially Pete. He's way to good for me. 

"So.. why did you wanna come back to the bus with me?" I asked as we sat down on the couch, Pete's sweater still wrapped around me. 

"I uh, I actually wanted to talk to you, alone." Pete said.

"Okay... about what?" I asked getting curious. It took a while before he answered.

"Uh, about, the um, the set." He finished.

"You wanted to talk to me about the set list?" I repeated not believing him. 

"Yeah, yeah."

"You sure?"

"Um, yeah."

"You don't sound sure."

"I am."

"Okay then." I took ' Pete's sweater off and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. 

I did the usual routine. Shampoo and Condition my hair, wash my body, and think about my problems. See that's my problem. I think too much. I blame myself for everything because it's much easier then blaming someone else. I'd think so much I'd end up crying, and then cutting. And that's the way it was. And the way it will always be. 

I walked out of the bathroom in a towel with a tissue around my arm. I peaked out making sure Pete wasn't looking. Luckily he had his back turned and was playing on the xbox. I walked to my room and put of a pair of shorts and a hoodie and crawled into bed. I wasn't kidding when I said I needed to catch up on some sleep. 


~~cheers, Savi~~

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