Part 11 (Part 2); Pete's POV

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Well.. you guys did it, and as promised Part 2 of Chapter 11! 

Enjoy :)

"So, why did you wanna come back to the bus with me?" Sammy asked me. 

Well you see here Sammy, I really like you and I've liked you for a long time. Fancy a fuck? No. Of course not. Know why? Because you're my best friends little sister. That's basically illegal. Okay I've been quiet for too long now and Sammy's giving me funny looks.

"I uh, I actually wanted to talk to you...alone." I should tell her. I really should. But I'm almost positive she doesn't feel the same way.

'Okay... about what?" She asked me, she looked curious. 

No. I can't, Patrick would literally kill me. He loves Sammy with everything he's got. If anything happened to her, it would be my fault. I'm a time bomb, and I'm gonna explode. I'll just end up hurting her, I can't do that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. And Patrick, oh Patrick would never forgive me.

"Uh, about, the um, the set." I finished. God dammit she will not believe that.

"You wanted to talk to me about the set list?" She repeated totally not believing me.

"Yeah, yeah. "

"You sure?"

No. "Um, yeah."

"You don't sounds sure."

It's because I'm not. "I am."

"Okay then." 

She took off my sweater I gave her and went to the bathroom. Probably to have a shower. Hopefully she's out by the time the guys get back. I need to talk to her. I need to tell her, if I don't I will regret it.

While I waited for Sammy to get out of the shower I decided to clear my mind with GTA 5 on the xbox.

After about 15 minutes i heard Sammy get out and go to her room. I'll wait another 5 minutes before I go talk to her. 


I quietly opened the curtain and saw Sammy fast asleep in her bed. Ugh I don't want to wake her up but I need to talk to her.  I walked over to the side of the bed she was sleeping on and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Sammy." I whispered. 

She stirred a bit but didn't wake up. I gently shook her shoulder.


"Hmm, what?" She slowly opened her eyes, "Pete?"

"Hey, sorry for waking you up, I just really need to talk to you."

She smiled and sat up crossing her legs, "About the set list right?" She said sarcastically.

"Ha, no, um, I-" I stuttered.

"Pete, just say it. It's okay." She reassured. God I hope she was right.

"Okay, I," I took a deep breath. "I really, really like you." I finally got out.

I looked down at my hands fiddling with the hem of my shirt scared to look at Sammy and see her reaction.


Oh no. This wasn't going to be good. I finally looked up at Sammy. 

She was smiling. It wasn't a sympathetic smile, it was the kind of smile that happens when you get exactly what you wanted for Christmas, the kind of smile you get when you graduate high school, the smile you get when the person who you love, loves you back. 

She grabbed my hand and said, "I'm really happy you told me, because I feel the same way."

I sighed in relief and put my arms around her hugging her as she hugged me back. 

I pulled back from the hug grabbing her hand again. Should I kiss her? Is it too early? Yeah, but does she want to? 

"So, what does this mean now?" She said, "Are we a thing now?"

"Yeah, I think so." I laughed. "If you want to I mean."

"Yeah, of course I want to. But I don't want to tell anyone." She said. 

"Yeah, I agree. Patrick would flip shit." I said. 

She put her head in her hands, "Lets just, wait a while to tell him, okay? Until the time is right."

I smiled at her and nodded. 

"I'll let you get back to sleep, I gotta go have a shower anyway." I said standing up.

"Okay." She said laying back down.

"Goodnight, have a good sleep." I said walking to the door.

"Goodnight, thank you." She said. 


I was in the shower now, the warm water was making me tired, even more tired then I was before. The guys must be having a good time, they've been gone for quite a while. I reached to the side of the shower to grab a bar of soap when i noticed the blade popped out of a razor. 

No, please no.  

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oh no Pete has found out :O

Do you guys like the vote goal thing?  What if I said if this chapter gets 10 votes by Sunday (MONUMENTOUR DAY) I will post next THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.

That should be a little harder ;D See you guys next week! Hope you enjoyed this chapter

~~Cheers, Savi~~

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