9) some good news

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My Dearest Amalia,

I'm finally back, it feels strange to be back only just after a few days, I'm usually under for much longer. Years actually. When I got out Steve was waiting for me, he had that damn smile on his face like he knew something and I didn't know what. And what he told me I was actually happy for a minute, they've found some of Hydra still stuck in my brain and somehow got some of it out. I don't really know how that's possible but I guess with all the new technology we have today, anything is possible. The worst part about getting that good news is that there was only one person I wanted to tell, and that was you. I wanted to tell you that I was better and that I would soon be completely better to where you wouldn't have to be afraid of me. You always told me you weren't but I knew that was just a lie that you were trying to keep from me. After I realized I wouldn't be able to tell you in person I was back to my good old self, the one that I've grown used to for god knows how many years. Sure I'm happy that Steve gets to have me back, I'm the only family he has left, but I wanted to show you what I was really like, or what I could be again back in the good old days. You would have loved me back then, before the war I mean, I was such a charmer back then you probably wouldn't recognize me. I don't even recognize that part of me anymore, because I have been well...this for much longer. It would have been a sight too see though, you in a nice dress with your hair done up and us dancing to jazz music. I wish I had met you in that time but I'm just glad that I met you at all.

Love Always,

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