12-Candle Lit Negotiation-

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"Yes thanks Harry"

he took my hand walking up back "someone will get our stuff" he walked passed it without a second thought

"Let me grab my phone quickly" I pulled away grabbing that and let the rest be taken care of we back walked up the board walk when we stepped in the guy had our drinks and cookies I asked for I took them and we got in the elevator

"Here's a tea for you and a cookie" he smiled and took the tea sipping it we went up to the 18 floor and there was just a short hallway to a large grand door there was a keypad next to the door not card slot handle

He put in a code

"it's 1994" he glanced back at me "if you ever needed to get in" I'm honored he'd tell me I must not look like a complete psycho to him how flattering

We stepped in and everything was yes ,beach themed, but still very fancy everything cream and gold I set my items on the dinning table

"Bedrooms this way" he was leaning on a door way I nodded and followed him

His bedroom was huge with a massive king sized bed in the center and a tv like something you'd see in stadium ,obviously I'm exaggerating but I mean it's big, the opposite wall to us was all glass with a sliding door leading out to a balcony with gold curtains neatly tucked against the wall waiting for night to be of use to cover the glass

"To your right" Harry's voice zoned me back to earth I stepped into the bathroom the marble floors were a sandy beige with brown veining a beautiful glass standing shower stood out next to a jacuzzi tub

"I'll be waiting out here for my turn" he hummed from behind me I turned back to him and nodded

"Thanks" he nodded back but frowned

"Let me take your hair down" he took it upon himself to turn me around and started unbraiding my hair it felt wonderful having his fingers combing through my hair he was very gentle it all ended much too quickly but he caught me by surprise when he leaned down to my ear and whispered "wear your hair down more specially wavy like this it's gorgeous"

I turned back and grabbed a piece holding it he was just smiling "I will" I mumbled I backed into the bathroom I saw the towels and grabbed one of the rags taking it with me I started the water stripping

I stepped in and looked at the shampoos it surprised me that he had woman's shampoo and conditioner in here but I realized he probably brought all his sugar babies here I picked it up it was a really nice shampoo I splurged on it sometimes this one was sugar cookie scented I used it and the conditioner he had an oat milk soap so it was a neutral smell

I finished and stepped out wrapping the towel around me I opened the door and peeked out he was looking out the glass wall "Harry?" I sounded almost like I was whining he turned and walked over pushing the door open making me step aside as I clutched my towel so I wasn't hit

He smirked at me "I've seen you in less" I barely heard him I was curious if I was meant to hear that or not "I've got clothes on the bed for you I'll be out soon" he slipped in and I stepped out

The water started again and I turned on his bed was boxers and a white v-neck I squeezed my hair out in the towel and dried off I pulled on the shirt and it was tight leaving nothing of my chest to the imagination I pulled on the boxers and the waist was tight as hell and my butt was nearly popping seams he's probably like a small with the little waist he has

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