71-Ha Loser

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Harry's pov

I held the door open for my girls they stepped through and I clapped "I could kill for a glass of champagne!"

Angel giggled "we all knew you would win daddy"

"Yes Harry really don't act so surprised" Alexis smiled

"I'm not surprised I'm just happy"

We just left court, we won now Angel only has to see her mother a minimum of once a month Alexis and I decided she's allowed to see Bonica as much as she wants to but she's not required to (I doubt she'll want to see her more than once a month though)

What made it a sure fire win was all the contracts I made, one from the day after she was born, one from the day she received her cell phone I made copies and highlighted the sections where she breeched the judge really had no choice but to award me full custody and a big plus no more child support to that bitch she never spent it on Angel anyway

"Soooo since we're celebrating can we get ice cream?" Angel asked bouncing on her toes

"Sure" I nodded I looked at Alexis "you want some ice cream?" She shook her head

"I'm fine" the way she said it sounded so distant I frowned a little

"You okay my love?" I rubbed her back

She nodded again she sighed deeply "Im just thinking about my dad... he was a less-" she bit her lip "less educated less... I dunno I don't know how to put it he was a child really he didn't finish school he had me and I think if he had..." she paused "maybe if he could have seen the outside world more maybe if he knew that the way his relationship was ,like really took it all in and saw it for what it really was, maybe he'd still be alive today maybe we could have moved away together and been happy" she blinked a few times "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make this about me really I didn't, just" she looked at Angel and smiled "you're such a good dad and it really makes me so happy" her voice cracked she covered her mouth and looked at me I saw tears gathered on her lashes "I'm sorry"

I stopped and hugged her "oh princess hey hey" I squeezed her "don't be sorry" I laughed lightly "you're fine Baby girl just take a minute okay"

"I'm so lucky I have you" she cried "my Baby has such a good daddy" I kissed her hair petting it

"Hey you okay?" Angel had walked back to us

"Oh sweetie I love you" Alexis pulled her into the hug

"Mom oh no no don't cry!" Angel gasped

That was also something we had a chat about Angel had already asked Alexis to call her mom but I asked Alexis if that's really what she wanted and she called me an idiot for having to ask ,never been happy to be called an idiot in all my life but there ya go, so especially since Angel is moving in completely she calls Alexis mom and Bonica is now just Bonica

"I'm sorry pregnant lady hormones" Alexis pulled away and fanned her face "mm sweetie can you go get me a napkin from the car? I need one more moment of fresh air" Angel nodded pulling the keys from my pocket running off

"You are so precious you know" I kissed her

She laughed "I just cried... like 2 seconds ago how am I precious?"

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