38-Sad Day

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3rd person pov

Today is her birthday

She turns 21

But no one has told her happy birthday but Asher and Harry

Alexis stared at her phone its 9:45pm

No one, not one single friend nor family member

She was in the corner of her room crying

She had tried her hardest, used everything in her not to cry but it just wasn't enough

She was all dressed up for dinner with Harry her hair and makeup done but every time she saw her phone she felt the itch to cry and it became too much

She was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably she never really cried so when she did it was heavy and non-stop

Harry pulled up smirking he got out gift bags in hand he whistled as he walked up to her door he smiled widely as he knocked he had such a nice dinner planned and he had new toys out in the sugar Baby room it was gunna be great

He raised an eyebrow maybe she's playing a game he grinned that seemed like her she loved games he chuckled and unlocked the door peeking in "oh Baby girrrrrllll" he sang he stepped in closing the door behind him

He placed the gifts on the table he searched the room to make sure she wasn't gunna pop out at him he glanced down the hall he jogged down and opened the door swiftly "BABY!" He frowned when she wasn't on the bed or at her vanity but on the floor across the room from him "Alexis?" He let the handle go "Baby why are you on the floor... with the lights off?" he walked to the center of the room pulling the string she was sitting with her knees up to her chest her head laid over her knees "princess?" He tugged up his pants and squatted down in front of her

She finally got the courage to look up at him and when she did his face dropped

"Oh... oh my god what's wrong?" He cupped her face her mascara and eyeliner had made black streaks down her face and her fierce red lipstick had smudged

"Nothing" she whispered

He shook his head and sat back he took off his blazer and threw it carelessly he grabbed her arm and yanked her into his lap "tell daddy what's wrong" he kissed her head as she balled up in his embrace

"No one told me Happy Birthday but you and Ash none of my aunts none of my uncles none of my family no Michelle no Grey no Venus no one" she started crying again "I know that's not worth crying over but... I'm hurt my heart hurts Harry a-and I c-can't stop crying"

He shook his head "no no it's not unreasonable darling I'm so sorry they obviously aren't your friends if they can't even text you and your family... I-I really don't even know what to say to that honestly I'm sorry"

She held him tighter "am I being selfish? I-I just I always go out of my way for everyone and... not a single of them could even text me"

He grabbed her chin and made her look up at him "you are anything but selfish let me tell you that! you are the sweetest most ungreedy girl I've ever met in all my life you don't ask for anything all you do is volunteer for stuff and offer a hand to anyone and everyone you're an amazing person"

"Then why are the people in my life so shitty!" She almost screamed as her voice cracked

He frowned he sighed deeply "I-I'm so sorry I really can't answer that for you as much as I'd like to Baby I'd love to give you a clear answer but I can't, now what I can say is having those horrible people and a... a rough childhood have brought you up to woman you are now" he kissed her forehead "my woman lucky me" he rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone

She wiped her face and hissed the makeup mixed with tears made her face raw Harry noticed "how about we just stay home mm?"

She shook her head "n-no no you made plans and-" he kissed her softly as a sweet way to hush her he pulled away

"I made plans just now too so let's get this makeup and dress off you I bought you bath bombs and shower gel stuff as a gift so how about you get all that off we sit in a warm bubble bath I give you a nice massage and you cry until you're satisfied"

That was so tempting she simply nodded

"Good girl" he smiled weakly standing up placing her on her feet not letting go until he knew she'd be steady on her feet he started for her by peeling her lashes off then placing another soft kiss on her lips "I'll be right back"

He laid the lashes on her vanity and grabbed the present containing the bath things he walked back unbuttoning his shirt

He felt so heavy and a touch useless it's so hard to comfort her for a numerous amount of reasons but the top one being he really just wasn't good with crying people and never had been

As he stepped back into her room her dress was on the floor and the light in her bathroom was on he stepped in she was looking in the mirror wiping off the remainder of her makeup only in her underwear he stripped fully stepping came behind her braiding her hair gently

"I didn't know you could braid" Alexis mumbled

"Lots of women in my lifetime guess I had to learn sometime" he shrugged tying it off then kissed her shoulder looking at her red flushed face she crossed her arms over her chest

"You're so beautiful" he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist she shook her head

"Harry you don't need to-"

"You're right I don't need to anything I'm only stating facts darling" he cut her off he wasn't about to hear her put herself down in any way, shape, or form he unwrapped his arms from her but left a hand on her hip guiding her to follow him

She had started the water Harry plucked out whatever bath bomb from the gift bag he plopped it in as it fizzed he tucked his fingers into the waistband of her underwear and pulled them down he then stepped into the bath sitting pulling her to step in and sit in his lap

He wrapped his arms around her again "you're my little princess you know that right Alexis?"

She smiled softly and nodded "yeah"

"And you can ask for anything?"

She simply nodded again

"Then why don't you?" He was curious

"Because I'm happy enough with just you Harry"

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