29-Busy Man

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Harry's pov

I huffed re-reading an email for the fiftieth time I still didn't understand what he was asking there weren't even any question marks I really wanted to get this over with and answer him but I just couldn't find the question he was supposed to be asking

I rubbed my eyes with my thumb and pointer finger I sighed and gave up I sent an email back asking him to be a bit clearer

I glanced at the clock in the corner of the computer screen I had a scheduled lunch I got up from my desk I stepped out and people cleared out of my path

"Mr.Styles... can I get you anything?" That blonde woman Drake hired asked as she followed behind me ,I couldn't recall her name even if I wanted to

"Get me the monthly usage status on spine boards on ambulances" Im trying to phase out regular solid plastic spine boards I mean they aren't completely useless but the newer models are of better use but also more expensive so it's hell to get any company to listen to reason I understand cost efficiency ,I grew this company from the ground up I know some things aren't necessary, but it's bettering treatment in the EMS field

"The what?" She blinked I rolled my eyes

"Tell Drake to do it" I stepped into the elevator she tried to follow I held a hand up "I'm leaving get that message to Drake I want to report my desk by the end of my lunch"

Her jaw dropped "w-wait the what report?" She panicked

"Spine board usage over the past month" I repeated and the doors shut I huffed and leaned against the steel wall

I pulled up at the Starbucks I stepped in finishing my daily filter through my email I looked up and saw Doctor Evans I smiled he even had my drink

I walked over taking the opposite seat "Hey" I greeted

"Son" he smiled "busy man as always" he motioned to my phone with his steamy cup of coffee

"You know it" I sipped my drink "it was my go wasn't it?" I asked

"Probably" he shrugged

I nodded "I've got us next time and don't you forget it" I pointed at him squinted

"Trust me I will" he laughed I chuckled "retirement isn't what people chalk it up to be" he sighed "I still can't believe it nearly 30 years and they force retirement on me"

I frowned "you should just relax Doctor Evans"

"I wish you'd just call me George"

I shook my head "I can't do that I respect you too much" I was honest I'd never be able to just call him George

"Harry it was just something to pass the time now I've got nothing" he didn't need money he's got a 25% share in my company he's wealthy enough money to live the rest of his life with no worries his job was more like a hobby

"Maybe get yourself a woman?" I suggested

He laughed "too old for that sorta thing I've got no family left I'm not used to being around other people" he took a long sip of coffee "speaking of a woman how's yours?"

I shrugged "well she's baby sitting at the moment"

"Oh? She likes children then?"

I cut him off there "No one is getting that far you know that"

"I meant maybe a baby, That would be good for you settling down getting your family together?" He smiled "help me live vicarious through you Harry" he teased

"She's well none the less" I returned us to subject

"Come on Harry haven't you given the idea some thought? You like children don't fib"

I rolled my jaw "I like dogs too but I don't have a pet"

He set his cup down "Harry you're a great father why try to-"

"I'm not getting attached to any woman like that!" I shook my head "I don't want to be taken advance of again!"

"What do you think you're doing now Harry with all these women!" He threw up his empty hand "they use you for your money"

"And I use their bodies" I rolled my jaw

"What about Alexis then? She's taking advantage of you? She seems like a nice girl Harry"

Now that I think about it she hasn't asked me for anything like at all our entire 7 months together "she-she a she hasn't asked anything of me" I shifted in my chair then opened my phone going to her account seeing she hasn't spent any of the money I sent her in fact there was a request made to send majority of it back which was denied

I laid my phone down on the table "something wrong?" He asked

"She doesn't want my money" I grumbled

"Good then-"

"Then I'll make her take it" I cut him off "she's not following the rules" I turned my phone off rolling my jaw

"Harry you just picked the wrong girl"

"I didn't I want her!" I growled "she wants something from me or else she'd leave"

"Maybe she wants you Harry just you? Ever thought about that? Maybe she likes you, has feeling for you"

"That's against the contract and I have no feelings" I clarified

Evans frowned "bullshit, Bullshit Harry you know you loved your mother and you love Angel"

I rolled my shoulders "of course I do, I love her but that's not feelings"

"Yes it is I'm telling you you're a smart boy Harry I mean terribly brilliant but you can be so childish and so dense!" He grabbed my shoulder "you need to get over yourself open up and see what you keep denying"

I pushed his arm off me "there is no getting over anything all women are the same"

"So your mother-"

"You didn't know my mother no one did!" I shook my head "you know nothing about my mother"

"On the contrary I know everything about her, everything you've told me" he didn't raise his voice like I had

"I have to go" I stood

"You don't but I'll let you leave" he hummed "this one is different Harry I'll tell you time and time again until you realize it"

"There is no epiphany here doctor Evans" I commented as I reached the door

"No not until it's too late if you keep up like this"

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